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U. Schimpf, Haußecker, H., and Jähne, B., Measurements of air--sea gas transfer using active and passive thermography, in Eurochem 387 "Remote Sensing of Slicks and Air--Sea Interactions", 1998.
H. Haußecker, Schimpf, U., and Jähne, B., Measurements of the air-sea gas transfer and its mechanisms by active and passive thermography, in Proc. IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium IGARSS '98, 1998, vol. 1, p. 484--486 vol.1.
U. Schimpf, Haußecker, H., and Jähne, B., Air--sea gas transfer and micro turbulence at the ocean surface using infrared image processing, in Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 1999. IGARSS apos;99 Proceedings. IEEE 1999 International, 1999, vol. 1, p. 11--13.
B. Jähne, Haußecker, H., Schimpf, U., and Balschbach, G., The Heidelberg Aelotron --- a new facility for laboratory investigations of small-scale air-sea interaction, in The Wind-Driven Air-Sea Interface: Electromagnetic and Acoustic Sensing, Wave Dynamics and Turbulent Fluxes, 1999.
B. Jähne, Haußecker, H., Schimpf, U., and Balschbach, G., The Heidelberg Aeolotron - a new facility for laboratory investigations of small scale air-sea interaction, in Poster presented at: The Wind-Driven Air-Sea Interface: Electromagnetic and Acoustic Sensing, Wave Dynamics and Turbulent Fluxes, 1999.
U. Schimpf, Haußecker, H., and Jähne, B., Studies of air-sea gas transfer and micro turbulence at the ocean surface using passive thermography, in The Wind-Driven Air-Sea Interface, Electromagnetic and Acoustic Sensing, Wave Dynamics and Turbulent Fluxes, 1999.
U. Schimpf, Haußecker, H., Jähne, B., Jähne, B., Geißler, P., and Haußecker, H., Studies of small-scale air-sea interaction with active and passive thermography, Handbook of Computer Vision and Applications, vol. 3: Systems and Applications. Academic Press, pp. 751-762, 1999.
B. Jähne, Garbe, C. S., Schimpf, U., and Schurr, U., Thermographie in den Umwelt- und Biowissenschaften, DGZfP-Berichtsband 77. Deutsche Gesellschaft für zerstörungsfreie Prüfung e.V., 2001.
U. Schimpf, Jähne, B., and Haußecker, H., On the investigations of statistical properties of the micro turbulence at the ocean surface, in Gas Transfer at Water Surfaces, 2002, vol. 127, p. 51--57.
C. S. Garbe, Schimpf, U., and Jähne, B., Measuring important parameters for air-sea heat exchange, in ThermoSense, 2002, vol. 4710, p. 171--182.
U. Schimpf, Garbe, C. S., and Jähne, B., Novel insights into heat transfer across the aqueous boundary layer by infrared imagery and its application to air-sea exchange processes, in Proceedings of Eurotherm 71 on Visualization, Imaging and Data Analysis In Convective Heat and Mass Transfer, 2002.
E. J. Bock, Edson, J. B., Frew, N. M., Hara, T., Haußecker, H., Jähne, B., McGilles, W. R., McKenna, S. P., Nelson, R. K., Schimpf, U., and Uz, B. M., Overview of the CoOP experiments: physical and chemical measurements parameterizing air-sea gas transfer, in Gas Transfer at Water Surfaces, 2002, vol. 127, p. 39--44.
H. Haußecker, Schimpf, U., Garbe, C. S., and Jähne, B., Physics from IR image sequences: Quantitative analysis of transport models and parameters of air-sea gas transfer, in Gas Transfer at Water Surfaces, 2002, vol. 127, p. 103--108.
T. Hara, Uz, B. M., Wei, H., Edson, J. B., Frew, N. M., McGilles, W. R., McKenna, S. P., Bock, E. J., Haußecker, H., and Schimpf, U., Surface wave observations during CoOP experiments and their relations to air-sea gas transfer, in Gas Transfer at Water Surfaces, 2002, vol. 127, p. 45--49.
C. S. Garbe, Schimpf, U., Schurr, U., and Jähne, B., Thermographic measurements in environmental and bio sciences, in Quantitative Infrared Thermography, 2002, vol. 6, p. 253--259.
U. Schimpf, Popp, C., and Jähne, B., Active thermography: a local and fast method to investigate heat and gas exchange between ocean and atmosphere, in Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, Spring Conference, Heidelberg, 15.-17.03.2006, 2006.
U. Schimpf, Frew, N. M., Jähne, B., and Hühnerfuss, H., Infrared imaging: a novel tool to investigate the influence of surface slicks on air-sea gas transfer, Marine Surface Films: Chemical Characteristics, Influence on Air-Sea Interactions, and Remote Sensing. Springer, p. 239--252, 2006.
