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B. Jähne, Haußecker, H., Hering, F., Balschbach, G., Klinke, J., Lell, M., Schmund, D., Schultz, M., Schurr, U., Stitt, M., and Platt, U., The role of active vision in exploring growth, transport, and exchange processes, in Aktives Sehen in technischen und biologischen Systemen, Workshop der GI-Fachgruppe 1.0.4. Bildverstehen Hamburg, 3--4. December 1996, 1996, vol. 4, p. 194--202.
B. Jähne, Haußecker, H., Platt, U., Schurr, U., and Stitt, M., The research unit (Forschergruppe) Image Sequence Processing to Study Dynamical Processes, in Proc.\ 3D Image Analysis and Synthesis'97, Erlangen (Germany), November 17--18, 1997, 1997, p. 107--114.
C. Leue, Wenig, M., Platt, U., Jähne, B., Geißler, P., and Haußecker, H., Retrieval of Atmospheric Trace Gas Concentrations, Handbook of Computer Vision and Applications, vol. 3: Systems and Applications. Academic Press, pp. 783-805, 1999.
M. Wenig, Leue, C., Platt, U., Jähne, B., and Haußecker, H., Cloud classification analyzing image sequences, Computer Vision and Applications. A Guide for Students and Practitioners. Academic Press, p. 652--653, 2000.
C. Leue, Wenig, M., Platt, U., Jähne, B., and Haußecker, H., NOX Emissions Retrieved from Satellite Images, Computer Vision and Applications. A Guide for Students and Practitioners. Academic Press, p. 654--655, 2000.