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P. Swoboda, Savchynskyy, B., Kappes, J. H., and Schnörr, C., Partial Optimality via Iterative Pruning for the Potts Model, in Scale Space and Variational Methods (SSVM 2013), 2013.PDF icon Technical Report (159.71 KB)
P. Swoboda, Savchynskyy, B., Kappes, J. H., and Schnörr, C., Persistency by Pruning for General Graphical Models, in submitted to NIPS 2013., 2013.
J. H. Kappes, Speth, M., Reinelt, G., and Schnörr, C., Towards Efficient and Exact MAP-Inference for Large Scale Discrete Computer Vision Problems via Combinatorial Optimization, in CVPR, 2013.
J. H. Kappes, Speth, M., Reinelt, G., and Schnörr, C., Towards Efficient and Exact MAP-Inference for Large Scale Discrete Computer Vision Problems via Combinatorial Optimization, in CVPR, 2013.PDF icon Technical Report (623.84 KB)
P. Swoboda and Schnörr, C., Variational Image Segmentation and Cosegmentation with the Wasserstein Distance, in Energy Minimization Methods in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2013, vol. 8081, pp. 321–334.
P. Swoboda and Schnörr, C., Variational Image Segmentation and Cosegmentation with the Wasserstein Distance, in Energy Minimization Methods in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2013, vol. 8081, p. 321--334.PDF icon Technical Report (8.06 MB)
F. Becker, Lenzen, F., Kappes, J. H., and Schnörr, C., Variational Recursive Joint Estimation of Dense Scene Structure and Camera Motion from Monocular High Speed Traffic Sequences, International Journal of Computer Vision, vol. 105, no. 3, p. 269--297, 2013.PDF icon Technical Report (15.4 MB)
F. Becker, Lenzen, F., Kappes, J. H., and Schnörr, C., Variational Recursive Joint Estimation of Dense Scene Structure and Camera Motion from Monocular High Speed Traffic Sequences, International Journal of Computer Vision, vol. 105 (3), pp. 269-297, 2013.
F. Becker, Lenzen, F., Kappes, J. H., and Schnörr, C., Variational Recursive Joint Estimation of Dense Scene Structure and Camera Motion from Monocular High Speed Traffic Sequences, International Journal of Computer Vision, vol. 105, pp. 269–297, 2013.
J. H. Kappes, Savchynskyy, B., and Schnörr, C., A Bundle Approach To Efficient MAP-Inference by Lagrangian Relaxation, in CVPR, 2012.PDF icon Technical Report (430.63 KB)
J. H. Kappes, Savchynskyy, B., and Schnörr, C., A Bundle Approach To Efficient MAP-Inference by Lagrangian Relaxation, in CVPR. Proceedings, 2012, pp. 1688-1695.
B. Savchynskyy, Schmidt, S., Kappes, J. H., and Schnörr, C., Efficient MRF Energy Minimization via Adaptive Diminishing Smoothing, in UAI 2012, 2012.PDF icon Technical Report (529 KB)
B. Savchynskyy, Schmidt, S., Kappes, J. H., and Schnörr, C., Efficient MRF Energy Minimization via Adaptive Diminishing Smoothing, UAI. Proceedings, pp. 746-755, 2012.
J. Lellmann, Lenzen, F., and Schnörr, C., Optimality Bounds for a Variational Relaxation of the Image Partitioning Problem, Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, vol. 47, pp. 239-257, 2012.
J. Lellmann, Lenzen, F., and Schnörr, C., Optimality Bounds for a Variational Relaxation of the Image Partitioning Problem, Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, vol. 47, pp. 239-257, 2012.PDF icon Technical Report (616.16 KB)
F. Becker, Wieneke, B., Petra, S., Schröder, A., and Schnörr, C., Variational Adaptive Correlation Method for Flow Estimation, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, vol. 21, p. 3053 -- 3065, 2012.PDF icon Technical Report (18.81 MB)
F. Becker, Wieneke, B., Petra, S., Schröder, A., and Schnörr, C., Variational Adaptive Correlation Method for Flow Estimation, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, vol. 21, pp. 3053 – 3065, 2012.
F. Lenzen, Becker, F., Lellmann, J., Petra, S., and Schnörr, C., Variational Image Denoising with Adaptive Constraint Sets, in LNCS, 2012, pp. 206-217.PDF icon Technical Report (649.03 KB)
F. Lenzen, Becker, F., Lellmann, J., Petra, S., and Schnörr, C., Variational Image Denoising with Adaptive Constraint Sets, in Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Scale Space and Variational Methods in Computer Vision 2011, 2012, pp. 206-217.
B. Schmitzer and Schnörr, C., Weakly Convex Coupling Continuous Cuts and Shape Priors, in Scale Space and Variational Methods (SSVM 2011), 2012, pp. 423-434.
J. Lellmann and Schnörr, C., Continuous Multiclass Labeling Approaches and Algorithms, SIAM J.~Imag.~Sci., vol. 4, pp. 1049-1096, 2011.PDF icon Technical Report (4.31 MB)
S. Schmidt, Savchynskyy, B., Kappes, J. H., and Schnörr, C., Evaluation of a First-Order Primal-Dual Algorithm for MRF Energy Minimization, in EMMCVPR 2011, 2011, vol. 6819, pp. 89-103.
S. Schmidt, Savchynskyy, B., Kappes, J. Hendrik, and Schnörr, C., Evaluation of a First-Order Primal-Dual Algorithm for MRF Energy Minimization, in EMMCVPR, 2011, vol. 6819, pp. 89-103.
S. Schmidt, Savchynskyy, B., Kappes, J. H., and Schnörr, C., Evaluation of a First-Order Primal-Dual Algorithm for MRF Energy Minimization, in EMMCVPR, 2011, vol. 6819, pp. 89-103.PDF icon Technical Report (684.13 KB)
A. Nicola, Petra, S., Popa, C., and Schnörr, C., A general extending and constraining procedure for linear iterative methods, Int.~J.~Comp.~Math., 2011.PDF icon Technical Report (633.79 KB)
J. H. Kappes, Speth, M., Andres, B., Reinelt, G., and Schnörr, C., Globally Optimal Image Partitioning by Multicuts, in EMMCVPR, 2011, pp. 31-44.PDF icon Technical Report (7.3 MB)
J. Hendrik Kappes, Speth, M., Andres, B., Reinelt, G., and Schnörr, C., Globally Optimal Image Partitioning by Multicuts, in EMMCVPR, 2011.
J. H. Kappes, Speth, M., Andres, B., Reinelt, G., and Schnörr, C., Globally Optimal Image Partitioning by Multicuts, in EMMCVPR, 2011.PDF icon Technical Report (7.47 MB)
D. Breitenreicher and Schnörr, C., Model-Based Multiple Rigid Object Detection and Registration in Unstructured Range Data, Int. J. Comp. Vision, vol. 92, pp. 32–52, 2011.
D. Breitenreicher and Schnörr, C., Model-Based Multiple Rigid Object Detection and Registration in Unstructured Range Data, Int.~J.~Comp.~Vision, vol. 92, p. 32--52, 2011.PDF icon Technical Report (4.3 MB)
J. Lellmann, Lenzen, F., and Schnörr, C., Optimality Bounds for a Variational Relaxation of the Image Partitioning Problem, in Energy Min. Meth. Comp. Vis. Patt. Recogn., 2011, pp. 132-146.
J. Lellmann, Lenzen, F., and Schnörr, C., Optimality Bounds for a Variational Relaxation of the Image Partitioning Problem, IPA group, Heidelberg University, 2011.
J. Lellmann, Lenzen, F., and Schnörr, C., Optimality Bounds for a Variational Relaxation of the Image Partitioning Problem, in Energy Min. Meth. Comp. Vis. Patt. Recogn., 2011, vol. 6819, p. 132--146.PDF icon Technical Report (1 MB)
J. Lellmann, Lenzen, F., and Schnörr, C., Optimality Bounds for a Variational Relaxation of the Image Partitioning Problem, in Energy Min. Meth. Comp. Vis. Patt. Recogn., 2011, vol. 6819, pp. 132–146.
F. Rathke, Schmidt, S., and Schnörr, C., Order Preserving and Shape Prior Constrained Intra-Retinal Layer Segmentation in Optical Coherence Tomography, in MICCAI 2011, Proceedings, 2011, vol. 6893, pp. 370-377.
