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D. Kotovenko, Wright, M., Heimbrecht, A., and Ommer, B., Rethinking Style Transfer: From Pixels to Parameterized Brushstrokes, Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR). 2021.
K. Roth, Milbich, T., Ommer, B., Cohen, J. Paul, and Ghassemi, M., S2SD: Simultaneous Similarity-based Self-Distillation for Deep Metric Learning, Proceedings of International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML). 2021.
M. Amirul Islam, Kowal, M., Esser, P., Jia, S., Ommer, B., Derpanis, K. G., and Bruce, N., Shape or Texture: Understanding Discriminative Features in CNNs, International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR). 2021.
M. Dorkenwald, Milbich, T., Blattmann, A., Rombach, R., Derpanis, K. G., and Ommer, B., Stochastic Image-to-Video Synthesis usin cINNs, Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR). 2021.
P. Esser, Rombach, R., and Ommer, B., Taming Transformers for High-Resolution Image Synthesis, Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR). 2021.
S. Lang and Ommer, B., Transforming Information Into Knowledge: How Computational Methods Reshape Art History, Digital Humanities Quaterly (DHQ), vol. 15, no. 3, 2021.
S. Lang and Ommer, B., Transforming Information Into Knowledge: How Computational Methods Reshape Art History, Digital Humanities Quaterly (DHQ), vol. 15, no. 3, 2021.
A. Blattmann, Milbich, T., Dorkenwald, M., and Ommer, B., Understanding Object Dynamics for Interactive Image-to-Video Synthesis, Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR). 2021.
B. Brattoli, Büchler, U., Dorkenwald, M., Reiser, P., Filli, L., Helmchen, F., Wahl, A. - S., and Ommer, B., Unsupervised behaviour analysis and magnification (uBAM) using deep learning, Nature Machine Intelligence, 2021.
