P. Bell, Schlecht, J., and Ommer, B.,
“Nonverbal Communication in Medieval Illustrations Revisited by Computer Vision and Art History”,
Visual Resources Journal, Special Issue on Digital Art History, vol. 29, p. 26--37, 2013.
C. S. Garbe and Ommer, B.,
“Parameter Estimation in Image Processing and Computer Vision”, in
Model Based Parameter Estimation: Theory and Applications, Springer, 2013, p. 311--334.
Technical Report (928 KB) B. Ommer,
“The Role of Shape in Visual Recognition”, in
Shape Perception in Human Computer Vision: An Interdisciplinary Perspective, Springer, 2013, p. 373--385.
Technical Report (8.18 MB) P. Yarlagadda, Monroy, A., Carque, B., and Ommer, B.,
“Towards a Computer-based Understanding of Medieval Images”, in
Scientific Computing & Cultural Heritage, Springer, 2013, p. 89--97.