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M. Klar, Stybalkowski, P., Spies, H., and Jähne, B., 3D-Strömungsmessung in Kiesporen, Nahbereichsphotogrammetrie in der Praxis, Beispiele und Problemlösungen. Wichmann, p. 247--250, 2002.
M. Klar, Stybalkowski, P., Spies, H., and Jähne, B., A miniaturized 3-D particle-tracking velocimetry system to measure the pore flow within a gravel layer, in Proc. 11th Int. Symp. Applications of Laser Techniques to Fluid Mechanics, 2002, p. 2.3.
B. Jähne, Klar, M., and Jehle, M., Data analysis, Handbook of Experimental Fluid Mechanics. Springer, p. 1437--1491, 2007.