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S. Weber, Schüle, T., Hornegger, J., and Schnörr, C., Binary Tomography by Iterating Linear Programs from Noisy Projections, in Combinatorial Image Analysis, Proc. Int. Workshop on Combinatorial Image Analysis (IWCIA'04), 2004, vol. 3322, pp. 38–51.
S. Weber, Schüle, T., Schnörr, C., and Hornegger, J., A Linear Programming Approach to Limited Angle 3D Reconstruction from DSA Projections, Methods of Information in Medicine, vol. 43, pp. 320–326, 2004.
S. Weber, Nagy, A., Schüle, T., Schnörr, C., and Kuba, A., A Benchmark Evaluation of Large-Scale Optimization Approaches to Binary Tomography, in Discrete Geometry for Computer Imagery (DGCI 2006), 2006, vol. 4245, pp. 146-156.PDF icon Technical Report (301.1 KB)
S. Weber, Schüle, T., Schnörr, C., and Kuba, A., Binary Tomography with Deblurring, in Combinatorial Image Analysis, 2006, vol. 4040, pp. 375-388.PDF icon Technical Report (803.63 KB)
C. Schnörr, Schüle, T., and Weber, S., Variational Reconstruction with DC-Programming, Advances in Discrete Tomography and Its Applications. Birkhäuser, Boston, 2007.