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B. Jähne and Herrmann, H., 3D-Exploration mit einer sich bewegenden Kamera, in Bildverarbeitung'97, Forschen, Entwickeln, Anwenden, 1997.
F. Hering, Haußecker, H., Dieter, J., Netzsch, T., and Jähne, B., A comprehensive study of algorithms for multidimensional flow field diagnostics, in Proc. Optical 3D Measurement Techniques IV, Zurich, Sept. 29 - Oct. 2, 1997, 1997, p. 436--443.
B. Jähne, Digital Image Processing - Concepts, Algorithms, and Scientific Applications, 4th ed. Springer, 1997.
B. Jähne, Digitale Bildverarbeitung, 4th ed. Springer, 1997.
P. Geißler and Jähne, B., Laboratory and inshore measurements of bubble size distributions, in Proc. Natural Physical Processes associated with Sea Surface Sound, Southampton, July 21--24, 1997, 1997, p. 147--154.
J. Dieter, Lauer, H., Jähne, B., and Grün, A., Measurements of slope statistics on a wind driven water surface, in Optical 3D Measurement Techniques 4 - Applications in architecture, quality control, robotics, navigation, medical imaging and animation, 1997.
P. Geißler and Jähne, B., A multi-camera system for in-shore measurements of bubble size distributions beneath breaking waves, in Optical 3-D Measurement Techniques IV, Zurich, Sept. 29 - Oct. 2, 1997, 1997, p. 251--258.
G. Balschbach, Klinke, J., and Jähne, B., Multichannel shape from shading techniques for reconstruction of specular surfaces, in Tagungsband Herbsttagung des Graduiertenkollegs "3D Bildanalyse und -synthese", 1997.
H. Scharr, Körkel, S., and Jähne, B., Numerische Isotropieoptimierung von FIR-Filtern mittels Querglättung, in Proceedings of the 19th DAGM Symposium on Pattern Recognition, Braunschweig, 1997, p. 199--208.
F. Hering, Wierzimok, D., Leue, C., and Jähne, B., Particle tracking velocimetry beneath water waves. Part I: visualization and tracking algorithms, Exp. Fluids, vol. 23, p. 472--482, 1997.
B. Jähne and Förstner, W., Performance characteristics of low-level motion estimators in spatiotemporal images, in DAGM-Workshop Performance Characteristics and Quality of Computer Vision Algorithms, Braunschweig, September 18, 1997, 1997.
B. Jähne, Practical Handbook on Image Processing for Scientific Applications. CRC-Press, Boca Raton, FL, USA, 1997.
H. Reinecke, Fantana, N. L., Haußecker, H., and Jähne, B., Rekonstruktion von Schreiberkurven, in Mustererkennung 1997, 1997, p. 527--536.
P. S. Liss, Watson, A. J., Bock, E. J., Jähne, B., Asher, W. E., Frew, N. M., Hasse, L., Korenowski, G. M., Merlivat, L., Phillips, L. F., Schlüssel, P., and Woolf, D. K., Report Group 1 - Physical processes in the microlayer and the air-sea exchange of trace gases, The Sea Surface and Global Change. Cambridge University Press, p. 1--33, 1997.
B. Jähne, Haußecker, H., Platt, U., Schurr, U., and Stitt, M., The research unit (Forschergruppe) Image Sequence Processing to Study Dynamical Processes, in Proc.\ 3D Image Analysis and Synthesis'97, Erlangen (Germany), November 17--18, 1997, 1997, p. 107--114.
B. Jähne, SIMD-Bildverarbeitungsalgorithmen mit dem Multimedia Extension-Instruktionssatz (MMX) von Intel, Automatisierungstechnik, vol. 10, p. 453--460, 1997.
B. Jähne and Herrmann, H., Softwarekonzepte und Algorithmen für die 3D-Bildverarbeitung, in 4. ABW Workshop, TA Esslingen 22.--23.01.1997, 1997.
H. Haußecker and Jähne, B., A tensor approach for precise computation of dense displacement vector fields, in Proceedings of the 19th DAGM Symposium on Pattern Recognition, Braunschweig, 1997, p. 199--208.
P. Geißler, Jähne, B., and Waldhäusl, P., A 3D-sensor for the measurement of particle concentration from image sequences, in Proc. 18th Int. Congr. for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 1996, vol. 31, p. 194--199.
S. Waas and Jähne, B., Combined height/slope/curvature measurements of short ocean wind waves, in Proc.\ The Air-Sea Interface, Radio and Acoustic Sensing, Turbulence and Wave Dynamics, Marseille, 24--30. June 1993, 1996, p. 383--388.
F. Hering, Wierzimok, D., Melville, W. K., and Jähne, B., Combined wave and flow field visualization for investigation of short-wave/long-wave interaction, in Proc.\ The Air-Sea Interface, Radio and Acoustic Sensing, Turbulence and Wave Dynamics, Marseille, 24--30. June 1993, 1996, p. 133--138.
H. - J. Köhler, Haußecker, H., and Jähne, B., Detection of particle movements at soil interfaces due to changing hydraulic load conditions, localised by a digital image processing technique, in Proc. Geofilters 1996, Montreal, 1996.
T. Münsterer and Jähne, B., A fluorescence technique to measure concentration profiles in the aqueous mass boundary layer, in Proc.\ The Air-Sea Interface, Radio and Acoustic Sensing, Turbulence and Wave Dynamics, Marseille, 24--30. June 1993, 1996, p. 517--522.
T. Scholz, Jähne, B., Suhr, H., Wehnert, G., Geissler, P., and Schneider, K., In-situ determination of cell concentration in bioreactors with a new depth-from-focus technique, in Proc.\ Optical 3-D Measurement Techniques IV, Zurich, Sept. 29 - Oct. 2, 1997, 1996, p. 392--399.
B. Jähne, Measurements of the modulation of short waves from image sequences, in Proc.\ The Air-Sea Interface, Radio and Acoustic Sensing, Turbulence and Wave Dynamics, Marseille, 24--30. June 1993, 1996, p. 389--394.
B. Jähne, Geißler, P., and Haußecker, H., Mustererkennung 1996, 18. DAGM-Symposium Heidelberg, 11.–13. September 1996. Springer, 1996.
F. Hering, Balschbach, G., Jähne, B., and Waldhäusl, P., A novel system for the combined measurement of wave- and flow-fields beneath wind induced water waves, in Proc. 18th Int. Congr. for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 1996, vol. 31, p. 231--236.
B. Jähne, Haußecker, H., Hering, F., Balschbach, G., Klinke, J., Lell, M., Schmund, D., Schultz, M., Schurr, U., Stitt, M., and Platt, U., The role of active vision in exploring growth, transport, and exchange processes, in Aktives Sehen in technischen und biologischen Systemen, Workshop der GI-Fachgruppe 1.0.4. Bildverstehen Hamburg, 3--4. December 1996, 1996, vol. 4, p. 194--202.
C. Leue, Geißler, P., Jähne, B., Jähne, B., Geißler, P., and Haußecker, H., Segmentierung von Partikelbildern in der Strömungsvisualisierung, in Proceedings of 18th DAGM-Symposium Mustererkennung, 1996, p. 118--129.
C. Leue, Geißler, P., Jähne, B., Jähne, B., Geißler, P., and Haußecker, H., Segmentierung von Partikelbildern in der Strömungsvisualisierung, in Proceedings of 18th DAGM-Symposium Mustererkennung, 1996, p. 118--129.
