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P. Yarlagadda, Monroy, A., Carque, B., and Ommer, B., Recognition and Analysis of Objects in Medieval Images, in Proceedins of the Aian Conference on Computer Vision, Workshop on e-Heritage, 2010, p. 296--305.PDF icon Technical Report (2.76 MB)
P. Yarlagadda, Monroy, A., and Ommer, B., Voting by Grouping Dependent Parts, in Proceedings of the European Conference on Computer Vision, 2010, vol. 6315, p. 197--210.PDF icon Technical Report (2.99 MB)
A. Monroy and Ommer, B., Beyond Bounding-Boxes: Learning Object Shape by Model-driven Grouping, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, vol. 7574. Springer, p. 582--595, 2012.PDF icon Technical Report (1.58 MB)
A. Monroy, Bell, P., and Ommer, B., Shaping Art with Art: Morphological Analysis for Investigating Artistic Reproductions, in Proceedings of the European Conference on Computer Vision, Workshop on VISART, 2012, vol. 7583, p. 571--580.PDF icon Technical Report (7 MB)