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N. E. Huang, Toba, Y., Shen, Z., Klinke, J., Jähne, B., and Banner, M. L., Ocean wave spectra and integral properties, Wind Stress over the Ocean. Cambridge University Press, p. 82--123, 2001.
J. Klinke, Kudryavtsev, V. N., Makin, V. K., and Jähne, B., Wavenumber Spectra of Short Wind Waves: Laboratory Measurements and Interpretation, in IGARSS '01, Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Sydney, NSW, Australia, 2001, vol. 2, pp. 965-967.
J. Klinke and Long, S. R., Generation of short waves by wave-current interaction, in Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 2000. Proceedings. IGARSS 2000. IEEE 2000 International, 2000, p. 1084--1086.
J. Klinke, Jähne, B., and Long, S. R., Observations of free and bound gravity-capillary Waves, in The Wind-Driven Air-Sea Interface, Electromagnetic and Acoustic Sensing, Wave Dynamics and Turbulent Fluxes, 1999, p. 87--88.
X. Zhang, Klinke, J., and Jähne, B., A study of advection of short wind waves by long waves from surface slope images, in The Wind-Driven Air-Sea Interface, Electromagnetic and Acoustic Sensing, Wave Dynamics and Turbulent Fluxes, 1999, p. 93--97.
G. Balschbach, Klinke, J., and Jähne, B., Multichannel shape from shading techniques for reconstruction of specular surfaces, in Tagungsband Herbsttagung des Graduiertenkollegs "3D Bildanalyse und -synthese", 1997.
G. R. Spedding, Klinke, J., and Long, S. R., Estimating $\omega(k)$ in an unsteady, wind-generated surface wave field from the 2D complex wavelet transform of the surface slope, in Proc.\ The Air-Sea Interface, Radio and Acoustic Sensing, Turbulence and Wave Dynamics, Marseille, 24--30. June 1993, 1996, p. 373--382.
J. Klinke, Optical Measurements of Small-Scale Wind Generated Water Surface Waves in the Laboratory and the Field. Institut für Umweltphysik, Fakultät für Physik und Astronomie, Univ.\ Heidelberg, 1996.
B. Jähne, Haußecker, H., Hering, F., Balschbach, G., Klinke, J., Lell, M., Schmund, D., Schultz, M., Schurr, U., Stitt, M., and Platt, U., The role of active vision in exploring growth, transport, and exchange processes, in Aktives Sehen in technischen und biologischen Systemen, Workshop der GI-Fachgruppe 1.0.4. Bildverstehen Hamburg, 3--4. December 1996, 1996, vol. 4, p. 194--202.
J. Klinke and Jähne, B., Wave number spectra of short wind waves: implications from laboratory studies, in Proc.\ The Air-Sea Interface, Radio and Acoustic Sensing, Turbulence and Wave Dynamics, Marseille, 24--30. June 1993, 1996, p. 367--372.
E. J. Bock, Edson, J. B., Frew, N. M., Karachintsev, A., McGilles, W. R., Nelson, R. K., Hansen, K., Jähne, B., Hara, T., Uz, B. M., Jähne, B., Dieter, J., Klinke, J., and Haußecker, H., Description of the science plan for the April 1995 CoOP experiment, `gas transfer in coastal waters', performed from the research vessel New Horizon, in Air-Water Gas Transfer, Selected Papers, 3rd Intern. Symp. on Air-Water Gas Transfer, 1995, p. 801--810.
J. Klinke, Jähne, B., and Jähne, B., Measurements of short ocean waves during the MBL ARI West Coast Experiment, in Air-Water Gas Transfer, Selected Papers, 3rd Intern. Symp. on Air-Water Gas Transfer, 1995, p. 165--173.
J. Klinke and Jähne, B., A new instrument for the optical measurement of the fine structure of the water surface in the field, in IAPSO Proceedings, XXI General Assembly, Honolulu, Hawai, August 1995, PS-10 Spatial Structure of Short Ocean Waves, 1995, p. 388.
J. Klinke and Jähne, B., Spatial measurement of short ocean waves during the MBL-ARI West Coast Experiment, in IAPSO Proceedings, XXI General Assembly, Honolulu, Hawai, August 1995, PS-10 Spatial Structure of Short Ocean Waves, 1995, p. 390.
B. Jähne, Klinke, J., and Waas, S., Imaging of short ocean wind waves: a critical theoretical review, J. Opt. Soc. Am. A, vol. 11, p. 2197--2209, 1994.
J. Klinke and Jähne, B., Measurements of the small-scale structure of the water surface with a new optical instrument, in Proc. 2nd Inter. Conf. on Air-Sea Interaction and on Meteorology and Oceanography of the Coastal Zone, Lisbon, 22.--27. September 1994, 1994.
J. Klinke, Zweidimensionale Wellenzahlspektren von kleinskaligen winderzeugten Wasseroberflächenwellen, Institut für Umweltphysik, Fakultät für Physik und Astronomie, Univ.\ Heidelberg, 1991.