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B. Jähne, Jähne, B., and Haußecker, H., Local structure, Handbook of Computer Vision and Applications. Volume II: Signal Processing and Pattern Recognition. Academic Press, p. 209--238, 1999.
H. Haußecker, Spies, H., Jähne, B., Geißler, P., and Haußecker, H., Motion, Handbook of Computer Vision and Applications, vol. 2: Signal Processing and Pattern Recognition. Academic Press, p. 309--396, 1999.
B. Jähne, Herrmann, H., Jähne, B., and Haußecker, H., Multimedia architectures, Handbook of Computer Vision and Applications, vol. 3: Systems and Applications. Academic Press, p. 31--52, 1999.
B. Jähne, Jähne, B., Haußecker, H., and Geißler, P., Multiresolutional signal representation, Handbook of Computer Vision and Applications, vol. 2. Academic Press, p. 67--90, 1999.
B. Jähne, Jähne, B., and Haußecker, H., Neighborhood operators, Handbook of Computer Vision and Applications. Volume II: Signal Processing and Pattern Recognition. Academic Press, p. 93--124, 1999.
D. Engelmann, Stöhr, M., Garbe, C. S., Hering, F., Jähne, B., Haußecker, H., and Geißler, P., Particle-tracking velocimetry, Handbook of Computer Vision and Applications, vol. 3: Systems and Applications. Academic Press, pp. 663-697, 1999.
D. Schmund, Schurr, U., Jähne, B., Haußecker, H., and Geißler, P., Plant-leaf growth studied by image sequence analysis, Handbook of Computer Vision and Applications, vol. 3: Systems and Applications. Academic Press, pp. 719-735, 1999.
B. Jähne, Scharr, H., Körkel, S., Jähne, B., Haußecker, H., and Geißler, P., Principles of Filter Design, Handbook of Computer Vision and Applications, vol. 2. Academic Press, p. 125--151, 1999.
H. Haußecker, Jähne, B., Geißler, P., and Haußecker, H., Radiation, Handbook of Computer Vision and Applications, vol. 1: Sensors and Imaging. Academic Press, p. 7--35, 1999.
H. Haußecker, Jähne, B., Geißler, P., and Haußecker, H., Radiometry of imaging, Handbook of Computer Vision and Applications, vol. 1: Sensors and Imaging. Academic Press, p. 103--135, 1999.
C. Leue, Wenig, M., Platt, U., Jähne, B., Geißler, P., and Haußecker, H., Retrieval of Atmospheric Trace Gas Concentrations, Handbook of Computer Vision and Applications, vol. 3: Systems and Applications. Academic Press, pp. 783-805, 1999.
B. Jähne, Jähne, B., and Haußecker, H., Spatial and fourier domain, Handbook of Computer Vision and Applications. Volume II: Signal Processing and Pattern Recognition. Academic Press, p. 35--66, 1999.
U. Schimpf, Haußecker, H., Jähne, B., Jähne, B., Geißler, P., and Haußecker, H., Studies of small-scale air-sea interaction with active and passive thermography, Handbook of Computer Vision and Applications, vol. 3: Systems and Applications. Academic Press, pp. 751-762, 1999.
B. Kümmerlen, Dauwe, S., Schmund, D., Schurr, U., Jähne, B., Geißler, P., and Haußecker, H., Thermography to measure water relations of plant leaves, Handbook of Computer Vision and Applications, vol. 3: Systems and Applications. Academic Press, pp. 763-781, 1999.
P. Geißler, Jähne, B., Jähne, B., and Haußecker, H., Analyzing size spectra of oceanic air bubbles, Computer Vision and Applications. A Guide for Students and Practitioners. Academic Press, p. 634--635, 2000.
P. Geißler and Jähne, B., Imaging optics, Computer Vision and Applications - A Guide for Students and Practitioners. Academic Press, p. 53--84, 2000.
P. Geißler, Scholz, T., Jähne, B., and Haußecker, H., Monitoring living biomass with in situ microscopy, Computer Vision and Applications. A Guide for Students and Practitioners. Academic Press, p. 632--633, 2000.
P. Geißler, Dierig, T., Mallot, H. A., and Jähne, B., Three-dimensional imaging algorithms, Computer Vision and Applications - A Guide for Students and Practitioners. Academic Press, p. 397--438, 2000.
