J. Keuchel, Schellewald, C., Cremers, D., and Schnörr, C.,
“Convex Relaxations for Binary Image Partitioning and Perceptual Grouping”, in
Mustererkennung 2001, Munich, Germany, 2001, vol. 2191, pp. 353–360.
C. Schellewald, Roth, S., and Schnörr, C.,
“Evaluation of Convex Optimization Techniques for the Weighted Graph–Matching Problem in Computer Vision”, in
Mustererkennung 2001, Munich, Germany, 2001, vol. 2191, pp. 361–368.
D. Cremers, Kohlberger, T., and Schnörr, C.,
“Nonlinear Shape Statistics via Kernel Spaces”, in
Mustererkennung 2001, Munich, Germany, 2001, vol. 2191, pp. 269–276.