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S. Haller, Swoboda, P., and Savchynskyy, B., Exact MAP-Inference by Confining Combinatorial Search With LP Relaxation, in Thirty-Second AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, (AAAI-18), New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, February 2-7, 2018, 2018.PDF icon 2018-02-02_aaai_dense_combilp.pdf (325.08 KB)
P. Swoboda, Savchynskyy, B., Kappes, J. H., and Schnörr, C., Partial Optimality via Iterative Pruning for the Potts Model, in Scale Space and Variational Methods (SSVM 2013), 2013.
P. Swoboda and Schnörr, C., Variational Image Segmentation and Cosegmentation with the Wasserstein Distance, in Energy Minimization Methods in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2013, vol. 8081, pp. 321–334.