M. Hoai, Torresani, L., De La Torre, F., and Rother, C.,
“Learning discriminative localization from weakly labeled data”, in
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B. Antic and Ommer, B.,
“Learning Latent Constituents for Recognition of Group Activities in Video”, in
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Technical Report (4.54 MB) J. H. Kappes, Beier, T., and Schnörr, C.,
“MAP-Inference on Large Scale Higher-Order Discrete Graphical Models by Fusion Moves”, in
Computer Vision - {ECCV} 2014 Workshops - Zurich, Switzerland, September 6-7 and 12, 2014, Proceedings, Part {II}, 2014.
Technical Report (557.49 KB) E. Mesarchaki, Kräuter, C., Krall, K. Ellen, Bopp, M., Helleis, F., Williams, J., and Jähne, B.,
“Measuring air-sea gas exchange velocities in a large scale annular wind-wave tank”,
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G. Urban, Bendszus, M., Hamprecht, F. A., and Kleesiek, J.,
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C. N. Straehle, Kandemir, M., Köthe, U., and Hamprecht, F. A.,
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P. Márquez-Neila, Kohli, P., Rother, C., and Baumela, L.,
“Non-parametric higher-order random fields for image segmentation”, in
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 2014, vol. 8694 LNCS, pp. 269–284.
F. Becker, Petra, S., and Schnörr, C.,
“Optical Flow”,
Handbook of Mathematical Methods in Imaging. Springer, 2014.
D. Kiefhaber,
“Optical Measurement of Short Wind Waves --- from the Laboratory to the Field”, vol. Dissertation. Institut für Umweltphysik, Fakultät für Physik und Astronomie, Univ.\ Heidelberg, 2014.
F. Jug, Pietzsch, T., Kainmüller, D., Funke, J., Kaiser, M., van Nimwegen, E., Rother, C., and Myers, G.,
“Optimal joint segmentation and tracking of escherichia coli in the mother machine”,
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S. Wanner,
“Orientation Analysis in 4D Light Fields”, vol. Dissertation. IWR, Univ. Heidelberg, 2014.
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J. Yarkony, Beier, T., Baldi, P., and Hamprecht, F. A.,
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A. Denitiu, Petra, S., Schnörr, C., and Schnörr, C.,
“Phase Transitions and Cosparse Tomographic Recovery of Compound Solid Bodies from Few Projections”,
Fundamenta Informaticae, vol. 135, p. 73--102, 2014.
Technical Report (2.24 MB) A. Denitiu, Petra, S., Schnörr, C., and Schnörr, C.,
“Phase Transitions and Cosparse Tomographic Recovery of Compound Solid Bodies from Few Projections”,
Fundamenta Informaticae, vol. 135, pp. 73–102, 2014.
F. Besse, Rother, C., Fitzgibbon, A., and Kautz, J.,
“PMBP: PatchMatch Belief Propagation for correspondence field estimation”,
International Journal of Computer Vision, vol. 110, pp. 2–13, 2014.
F. Besse, Rother, C., Fitzgibbon, A., and Kautz, J.,
“PMBP: PatchMatch Belief Propagation for correspondence field estimation”,
International Journal of Computer Vision, vol. 110, pp. 2–13, 2014.
F. Besse, Rother, C., Fitzgibbon, A., and Kautz, J.,
“PMBP: PatchMatch Belief Propagation for correspondence field estimation”,
International Journal of Computer Vision, vol. 110, pp. 2–13, 2014.