Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten

[This course will be held in English]

Course Information

Intended for

Master students of computer science, mathematics or physics


In the first two weeks of the seminar, we will discuss tools, standards and useful hints concerning
  • organization of research
  • literature search
  • preparing presentations / talks and posters
  • writing a thesis
In the second part of the seminar, to each student will be assigned a short topic on computer vision, on which the student gives an oral presentation and a short written report. For both talk and report, the focus lies on the formal aspects of the presentation, on which the students will get direct feedback afterwards by the audience.

Student Presentations

For participants: Please take a look into the schedule of presentations (see link to additional material). If you have not been assigned to a topic/time slot, please write an email to Frank.Lenzen 'at' iwr.uni-heidelberg.de.


  • After successful participation (oral presentation and written report) students get a certificate (not graded)
  • Presentation by students can be either in German or English. Since English is the common research language, we encourage presentations in English !


Additional material is posted in moodle. Since currently not all students have moodle accounts, here is an alternative (same password as for moodle)