Radiometric and spectrometric calibrations, and distance noise measurement of TOF cameras

TitleRadiometric and spectrometric calibrations, and distance noise measurement of TOF cameras
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2009
AuthorsErz, M, Jähne, B
EditorKoch, R, Kolb, A
Conference Name3rd Workshop on Dynamic 3-D Imaging

This paper proposes to extend the EMVA 1288 standard to characterize the properties and noise of image sensors for ToF cameras. The concepts for radiometric and spectrometric sensitivities were extended for intensity images recorded by lock-in pixels. The characterization of the distance information was performed by describing the phase shift analogous to intensities. Results of sensitivity and noise measurements are presented for two ToF cameras: PMDTec CamCube and MESA Imaging SR3101. Both cameras had no intrinsic filter, so the quantum efficiency could be measured from UV to IR. The noise in the phase measurement could be related to the noise in the intensity.


Lecture Notes in Computer Science

Citation Keyerz2009