Practical Handbook on Image Processing for Scientific and Technical Applications

TitlePractical Handbook on Image Processing for Scientific and Technical Applications
Publication TypeBook
Year of Publication2004
AuthorsJähne, B
PublisherCRC Press

Image processing is fast becoming a valuable tool for analyzing multidimensional data in all areas of natural science. Since the publication of the best-selling first edition of this handbook, the field of image processing has matured in many of its aspects from ad hoc, empirical approaches to a sound science based on established mathematical and physical principles. The Practical Handbook on Image Processing for Scientific and Technical Applications, Second Edition builds a sound basic knowledge of image processing, provides a critically evaluated collection of the best algorithms, and demonstrates those algorithms with real-world applications from many fields. It covers all aspects of image processing, from image formation to image analysis, and gives an up-to-date review of advanced concepts. Organized according to the hierarchy of tasks, each chapter includes a summary, an outline of the background the task requires, and a section of practical tips that help you avoid common errors and save valuable research time.

Citation Keyjaehne2004