A physical model of Time-of-Flight 3D imaging systems, including suppression of ambient light

TitleA physical model of Time-of-Flight 3D imaging systems, including suppression of ambient light
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2009
AuthorsSchmidt, M, Jähne, B
EditorKoch, R, Kolb, A
Conference Name3rd Workshop on Dynamic 3-D Imaging

We have developed a physical model of continuous-wave Time-of-Flight cameras, which focuses on a realistic reproduction of the sensor data. The derived simulation gives the ability to simulate data acquired by a ToF system with low computational effort. The model is able to use an arbitrary optical excitation and to simulate the sampling of a target response by a two-tap sensor, which can use any switching function. Nonlinear photo response and pixel saturation, as well as spatial variations from pixel to pixel like photo response non-uniformity (PRNU) and dark signal non-uniformity (DSNU) can be modeled. Also the influence of interfering background light and on-sensor suppression of ambient light can be simulated. The model was verified by analyzing two scenarios: The cameras response to an increasing, homogeneous irradiation as well as the systematic phase deviation caused by higher harmonics of the optical excitation. In both scenarios the model gave a precise reproduction of the observed data.


Lecture Notes in Computer Science

Citation Keyschmidt2009