All Publications


Monroy, A and Ommer, B (2012). Beyond Bounding-Boxes: Learning Object Shape by Model-driven Grouping. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence. Springer. 7574 582--595PDF icon Technical Report (1.58 MB)
Geese, M, Ruhnau, P and Jähne, B (2012). Scene based maximum likelihood PRNU and DSNU non uniformity correction. Forum Bildverarbeitung. KIT Scientific Publishing. 71--82.
Lellmann, J, Lenzen, F and Schnörr, C (2012). Optimality Bounds for a Variational Relaxation of the Image Partitioning Problem. Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision. Springer. 47 239-257
Geese, M, Ruhnau, P and Jähne, B (2012). CNN based dark signal non-uniformity estimation. Cellular Nanoscale Networks and Their Applications (CNNA), 2012 13th International Workshop on. 1--6
Glas, M (2012). Methoden zur sechsdimensionalen Objektlageerkennung aus Tiefenbildern. IWR, Fakultät für Physik und Astronomie, Univ.\ Heidelberg.
Jähne, (2012). Optik, Photonik und Bildverarbeitung --- eine spannende Reise. Optik & Photonik. 7 2--3
Lenzen, F, Becker, F, Lellmann, J, Petra, S and Schnörr, C (2012). Variational Image Denoising with Adaptive Constraint Sets. Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Scale Space and Variational Methods in Computer Vision 2011. Springer. 206-217
Nair, R, Lenzen, F, Meister, S, Schäfer, H, Garbe, C S and Kondermann, D (2012). High accuracy TOF and stereo sensor fusion at interactive rates. Computer Vision--ECCV 2012. Workshops and Demonstrations. Springer Berlin Heidelberg. 1--11PDF icon Technical Report (7.29 MB)
Voss, B, Stapf, J, Berthe, A and Garbe, C S (2012). Bichromatic Particle Streak Velocimetry bPSV -- Interfacial, v3C3D velocimetry using a single camera. Exp. Fluids
Kappes, J H, Savchynskyy, B and Schnörr, C (2012). A Bundle Approach To Efficient MAP-Inference by Lagrangian Relaxation. CVPRPDF icon Technical Report (430.63 KB)
Voss, B (2012). Novel Single Camera Techniques for 3D3C Lagrangian Trajectory Measurements in Interfacial Flows. IWR, Fakultät für Physik und Astronomie, Univ.\ Heidelberg.
Rocholz, R, Fahle, P and Jähne, B (2012). High speed and high resolution wave imaging to investigate the initial generation of wind waves at very small fetch.
Franke, R (2012). Hochintegriertes Kamerasystem für die Multifrequenz-Lumineszenzabklingzeitbildgewinnung. IWR, Fakultät für Mathematik und Informatik, Univ. Heidelberg. Dissertation
Glas, M (2012). Methoden zur sechsdimensionalen Objektlageerkennung aus Tiefenbildern. IWR, Fakultät für Physik und Astronomie, Univ. Heidelberg. Dissertation
Eigenstetter, A and Ommer, B (2012). Visual Recognition using Embedded Feature Selection for Curvature Self-Similarity. Proceedings of the Conference on Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems. MIT Press. 377--385PDF icon Technical Report (3.27 MB)
Wanner, S and Goldlücke, B (2012). Globally Consistent Depth Labeling of 4D Lightfields. IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)
Jähne, (2012). Atmosphere-water exchange. Encyclopedia of Sustainable Science and Technology. Springer. 1 594--606
Nair, R, Lenzen, F, Meister, S, Schäfer, H, Garbe, C S and Kondermann, D (2012). High accuracy TOF and stereo sensor fusion at interactive rates. Computer Vision–ECCV 2012. Workshops and Demonstrations. Springer Berlin Heidelberg. 1–11
Nair, R, Meister, S, Lambers, M, Balda, M, Hofmann, H, Kolb, A, Kondermann, D and Jähne, B (2012). Ground truth for evaluating time of flight imaging. Time-of-Flight and Depth Imaging. Sensors, Algorithms, and Applications. Springer. 8200 52--74
Wanner, S and Goldlücke, B (2012). Spatial and Angular Variational Super-Resolution of 4D Light Fields. European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV)
Álvarez, J M, Gevers, T, Diego, F and López, A M (2012). Road Geometry Classification by Adaptive Shape Models. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS). 99 1-10
Jähne, (2012). Gas transfer at water surfaces. Environmental Fluid Mechanics - Memorial Volume in honour of Professor Gerhard H. Jirka. CRC Press/Balkema. 389--404.
Lellmann, J, Lenzen, F and Schnörr, C (2012). Optimality Bounds for a Variational Relaxation of the Image Partitioning Problem. Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision. Springer. 47 239-257PDF icon Technical Report (616.16 KB)
Meister, S, Jähne, B and Kondermann, D (2012). Outdoor stereo camera system for the generation of real-world benchmark data sets. Opt. Eng. 51 021107
Lin, Z (2012). Structure Tensor Calculation Using Fpga. HCI Heidelberg
Andres, B, Köthe, U, Kröger, T, Helmstaedter, M, Briggmann, K L, Denk, W and Hamprecht, F A (2012). 3D Segmentation of SBFSEM Images of Neuropil by a Graphical Model over Supervoxel Boundaries. Medical Image Analysis. 16 (2012) 796-805PDF icon Technical Report (20.85 MB)
Yarlagadda, P and Ommer, B (2012). From Meaningful Contours to Discriminative Object Shape. Proceedings of the European Conference on Computer Vision. Springer. 7572 766--779PDF icon Technical Report (4.58 MB)
Lenzen, F, Becker, F, Lellmann, J, Petra, S and Schnörr, C (2012). Variational Image Denoising with Adaptive Constraint Sets. LNCS. Springer. 206-217PDF icon Technical Report (649.03 KB)
Monroy, A, Bell, P and Ommer, B (2012). Shaping Art with Art: Morphological Analysis for Investigating Artistic Reproductions. Proceedings of the European Conference on Computer Vision, Workshop on VISART. Springer. 7583 571--580PDF icon Technical Report (7 MB)
Schmitzer, B and Schnörr, C (2012). Weakly Convex Coupling Continuous Cuts and Shape Priors. Scale Space and Variational Methods (SSVM 2011). 423-434
Andres, B, Kröger, T, Briggmann, K L, Denk, W, Norogod, N, Knott, G W, Köthe, U and Hamprecht, F A (2012). Globally Optimal Closed-Surface Segmentation for Connectomics. ECCV 2012. Proceedings, Part 3. 778-791PDF icon Technical Report (2.72 MB)
Jähne, (2012). Atmosphere-water exchange. Transport and Fate of Chemicals in the Environment --- selected Entries from the Encyclopedia of Sustainability Science and Technology. Springer. 1 175--193
Andres, B, Kappes, J H, Beier, T, Köthe, U and Hamprecht, F A (2012). The Lazy Flipper: Efficient Depth-Limited Exhaustive Search in Discrete Graphical Models. Computer Vision - {ECCV} 2012 - 12th European Conference on Computer Vision, Florence, Italy, October 7-13, 2012, Proceedings, Part {VII}. icon Technical Report (446.28 KB)
Savchynskyy, B, Schmidt, S, Kappes, J H and Schnörr, C (2012). Efficient MRF Energy Minimization via Adaptive Diminishing Smoothing. UAI 2012PDF icon Technical Report (529 KB)
Becker, F, Wieneke, B, Petra, S, Schröder, A and Schnörr, C (2012). Variational Adaptive Correlation Method for Flow Estimation. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing. 21 3053 -- 3065PDF icon Technical Report (18.81 MB)
Nagel, L, Richter, K E and Jähne, B (2012). Active Thermography as a Link between Laboratory and Field Studies. SOLAS Open Science Conference, Washington State, USA
Andres, B, Kappes, J H, Beier, T, Köthe, U and Hamprecht, F A (2012). The Lazy Flipper: Efficient Depth-limited Exhaustive Search in Discrete Graphical Models. ECCV 2012PDF icon Technical Report (532.64 KB)
Petra, S, Schnörr, C and Schröder, A (2012). Critical Parameter Values and Reconstruction Properties of Discrete Tomography: Application to Experimental Fluid Dynamics.
Funke, J, Andres, B, Hamprecht, F A, Cardona, A and Cook, M (2012). Efficient Automatic 3D-Reconstruction of Branching Neurons from EM Data. CVPR 2012. Proceedings. 1004-1011PDF icon Technical Report (1.64 MB)
Goldlücke, B, Strekalovskiy, E and Cremers, D (2012). The natural vectorial total variation which arises from geometric measure theory. SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences
