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D. Kiefhaber, Rocholz, R., Bauer, P. Salomon, and Jähne, B., Optical measurement of surface ocean waves, in 3rd EOS Topical Meeting on Blue Photonics --- Optics in the Sea, 2013.
R. Rocholz, Wanner, S., Schimpf, U., and Jähne, B., Combined visualization of wind waves and water surface temperature, in Gas Transfer at Water Surfaces 2010, 2011, p. 496--506.
W. Mischler, Rocholz, R., and Jähne, B., Experimental setup for the investigation of bubble mediated gas exchange, in Gas Transfer at Water Surfaces 2010, 2011, p. 238--248.
S. Wanner, Sommer, C., Rocholz, R., Hamprecht, F. A., and Jähne, B., A Framework for Interactive Visualization and Classification of Dynamical Processes at the Water Surface, in 16th International Workshop on Vision, Modelling and Visualization, 2011, pp. 199-206.PDF icon Technical Report (4.67 MB)
S. Wanner, Sommer, C., Rocholz, R., Jung, M., Hamprecht, F. A., and Jähne, B., A framework for interactive visualization and classification of dynamical processes at the water surface, in 16th International Workshop on Vision, Modelling and Visualization, 2011, p. 199--206.
D. Kiefhaber, Rocholz, R., and Jähne, B., Improved optical instrument for the measurement of water wave statistics in the field, in Gas Transfer at Water Surfaces 2010, 2011, p. 524--534.
D. Kiefhaber, Rocholz, R., Schaper, J., Balschbach, G., and Jähne, B., Mean square slope measurements in the field with the reflective stereo slope gauge, in EGU General Assembly, Vienna, 2011.
D. Kiefhaber, Rocholz, R., Balschbach, G., Schaper, J., and Jähne, B., Measurement of ocean wave statistics with the reflective stereo slope gauge, in DPG Frühjahrstagung Dresden, Fachverband Umweltphysik, 2011.
W. Mischler, Rocholz, R., and Weissbach, T., Vereinfachung der Massenbilanz im Blasentank für luftseitige Messung, Institut für Umweltphysik, 2011.
R. Rocholz, Calibration of the 2010-CISG Setup at the Aeolotron, Institute of Environmental Physics, University of Heidelberg, 2010.
R. Rocholz and Jähne, B., Spatio-temporal measurements of short wind water waves, in EGU General Assembly 2010, Symposium AS2.2, 2010, pp. EGU2010-5509.
R. Rocholz, Spatiotemporal Measurement of Short Wind-Driven Water Waves. Institut für Umweltphysik, Fakultät für Physik und Astronomie, Univ.\ Heidelberg, 2008.
R. Rocholz and Jähne, B., Imaging System for combined slope/height measurements of short wind waves : ISHG, in Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, Spring Conference, Heidelberg, 15.-17.03.2006, 2006.