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B. Michael Kelm, Müller, N., Menze, B. H., and Hamprecht, F. A., Bayesian Estimation of Smooth Parameter Maps for Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MR Images with Block-ICM, in Proc Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshop (Mathematical Methods in Biomedical Image Analysis), 2006, pp. 96-103.PDF icon Technical Report (232.69 KB)
C. M. Zechmann, Kelm, B. Michael, Zamecnik, P., Ikinger, U., Waldherr, R., Röll, S., Delorme, S., Hamprecht, F. A., and Bachert, P., Can man still beat the machine? Automated vs. manual pattern recognition of 3D MRSI data of prostate cancer patients, in Proceedings of the 16th ISMRM, 2006.PDF icon Technical Report (664.38 KB)
B. Michael Kelm, Menze, B. H., Neff, T., Zechmann, C. M., and Hamprecht, F. A., CLARET: a tool for fully automated evaluation of MRSI with pattern recognition methods., in Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2006 - Algorithmen, Systeme, Anwendungen, 2006, pp. 51-55.PDF icon Technical Report (275.25 KB)
M. F. Carlsohn, Menze, B. H., Kelm, B. Michael, Hamprecht, F. A., Kercek, A., Leitner, R., and Polder, G., Color image processing, vol. 7(17), R. Lukac and Plataniotis, K. N., Eds. CRC Press, 2006, pp. 393-419.
B. Michael Kelm, Pal, C., and McCallum, A., Combining Generative and Discriminative Methods for Pixel Classification with Multi-Conditional Learning., in ICPR 2006, 2006, vol. 2, pp. 828-832.PDF icon Technical Report (114.99 KB)
B. H. Menze, Kelm, B. Michael, Heck, D., Lichy, M. P., and Hamprecht, F. A., Machine-based rejection of low quality spectra and estimation of brain tumor probabilities from magnetic resonance spectroscopic images, in Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin, 2006, pp. 31-36.PDF icon Technical Report (672.84 KB)
B. H. Menze, Lichy, M. P., Bachert, P., Kelm, B. Michael, Schlemmer, H. P., and Hamprecht, F. A., Optimal Classification of Long Echo Time in vivo Magnetic Resonance Spectra in the Detection of Recurrent Brain Tumor, NMR in Biomedicine, vol. 19, pp. 599-609, 2006.PDF icon Technical Report (289.77 KB)