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M. Wenig, Spichtinger, N., Stohl, A., Held, G., Beirle, S., Wagner, T., Jähne, B., and Platt, U., Intercontinental transport of nitrogen oxide pollution plumes, acpd, vol. 3, p. 2151--2165, 2002.
U. Schimpf, Jähne, B., and Haußecker, H., On the investigations of statistical properties of the micro turbulence at the ocean surface, in Gas Transfer at Water Surfaces, 2002, vol. 127, p. 51--57.
C. S. Garbe, Schimpf, U., and Jähne, B., Measuring important parameters for air-sea heat exchange, in ThermoSense, 2002, vol. 4710, p. 171--182.
C. S. Garbe, Haußecker, H., and Jähne, B., Measuring the sea surface heat flux and probability distribution of surface renewal events, in Gas Transfer at Water Surfaces, 2002, vol. 127, pp. 109-114.
M. Klar, Stybalkowski, P., Spies, H., and Jähne, B., A miniaturized 3-D particle-tracking velocimetry system to measure the pore flow within a gravel layer, in Proc. 11th Int. Symp. Applications of Laser Techniques to Fluid Mechanics, 2002, p. 2.3.
C. S. Garbe, Spies, H., and Jähne, B., Mixed OLS-TLS for the estimation of dynamic processes with a linear source term, in Proceedings of the 24th DAGM Symposium on Pattern Recognition, 2002, vol. 2449, p. 463--471.
B. Jähne, Brocke, M., Eisele, H., Hader, S., Hamprecht, F. A., Happold, W., Raisch, F., and Restle, J., Multidimensionale Bildverarbeitung in der Produktion, QZ, vol. 47, p. 1154--1159, 2002.
U. Schimpf, Garbe, C. S., and Jähne, B., Novel insights into heat transfer across the aqueous boundary layer by infrared imagery and its application to air-sea exchange processes, in Proceedings of Eurotherm 71 on Visualization, Imaging and Data Analysis In Convective Heat and Mass Transfer, 2002.
E. J. Bock, Edson, J. B., Frew, N. M., Hara, T., Haußecker, H., Jähne, B., McGilles, W. R., McKenna, S. P., Nelson, R. K., Schimpf, U., and Uz, B. M., Overview of the CoOP experiments: physical and chemical measurements parameterizing air-sea gas transfer, in Gas Transfer at Water Surfaces, 2002, vol. 127, p. 39--44.
H. Haußecker, Schimpf, U., Garbe, C. S., and Jähne, B., Physics from IR image sequences: Quantitative analysis of transport models and parameters of air-sea gas transfer, in Gas Transfer at Water Surfaces, 2002, vol. 127, p. 103--108.
H. Spies, Jähne, B., and Barron, J. L., Range flow estimation., Computer Vision and Image Understanding, vol. 85, p. 209--231, 2002.
C. S. Garbe, Schimpf, U., Schurr, U., and Jähne, B., Thermographic measurements in environmental and bio sciences, in Quantitative Infrared Thermography, 2002, vol. 6, p. 253--259.
C. S. Garbe, Schurr, U., and Jähne, B., Thermographic measurements on plant leaves, in ThermoSense, 2002, vol. 4710, p. 407--416.
F. Raisch, Scharr, H., Kirchgeßner, N., Jähne, B., Fink, R. H. A., and Uttenweiler, D., Velocity and feature estimation of actin filaments using active contours in noisy fluorescence image sequences, in Proc. 2nd IASTED Int. Conf. Visualization, Imaging and Image Processing, 2002, p. 645--650.
B. Jähne, Balschbach, G., and Fuß, D., Wellenbewegte Wasseroberfläche, Nahbereichsphotogrammetrie in der Praxis, Beispiele und Problemlösungen. Wichmann, p. 259--262, 2002.
C. S. Garbe, Spies, H., and Jähne, B., Estimation of complex motion from thermographic image sequences, SPIE Proc., vol. 5073, p. 303--317, 2003.
C. S. Garbe, Spies, H., and Jähne, B., Estimation of surface flow and net heat flux from infrared image sequences, Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, vol. 19, p. 159--174, 2003.
B. Jähne, Image sequence analysis in environmental and live sciences, in Proceedings of the 25th DAGM Symposium on Pattern Recognition, 2003, vol. 2781, p. 608--617.
M. Wenig, Spichtinger, N., Stohl, A., Held, G., Beirle, S., Wagner, T., Jähne, B., and Platt, U., Intercontinental transport of nitrogen oxide pollution plumes, Atmos. Chem. Phys., vol. 3, p. 387--393, 2003.
M. Stöhr, Roth, K., and Jähne, B., Measurement of 3D pore-scale flow in index-matched porous media, Exp. Fluids, vol. 35, p. 159--166, 2003.
U. Schimpf, Frew, N. M., Kalkenings, R., Garbe, C. S., and Jähne, B., Observational studies of parameters influencing air--sea gas exchange, in Geophysical Research Abstracts, 2003, vol. 5, p. 09328.
D. Uttenweiler, Weber, C., Jähne, B., Fink, R. H. A., and Schaar, H., Spatiotemporal anisotropic diffusion filtering to improve signal-to-noise ratios and object restoration in fluorescence microscopic image sequences., J Biomed Opt, vol. 8, p. 40--47, 2003.
C. S. Garbe, Schimpf, U., and Jähne, B., A surface renewal model to analyze infrared image sequences for the study of air-sea heat and gas exchange, in Geophysical Research Abstracts, 2003, p. 11893.
B. Jähne and Garbe, C. S., Towards objective performance analysis for estimation of complex motion: analytic motion modeling, filter optimization, and test sequences, in In Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, 2003.
N. M. Frew, Bock, E. J., Schimpf, U., Hara, T., Haußecker, H., Edson, J. B., McGilles, W. R., Nelson, R. K., McKenna, S. P., Uz, B. M., and Jähne, B., Air-sea gas transfer: Its dependence on wind stress, small-scale roughness, and surface films, J. Geophys. Res., vol. 109, p. C08S17, 2004.
M. Klar, Jehle, M., Jähne, B., Detert, M., and H., J. G., Analysis of subsurface gravel layer flow caused by turbulent open-channel flow using 3D PTV and pressure sensor techniques, in BAW-Workshop Soil and Bed Stability - Interaction Effects between Geotechnics and Hydraulic Engineering, 2004.
F. A. Hamprecht, Classification, Practical Handbook on Image Processing for Scientific and Technical Applications. CRC Press, pp. 509-519, 2004.PDF icon Technical Report (320.84 KB)
C. S. Garbe and Jähne, B., Estimation of motion and parameters of heat transport from thermography, in Quantitative Infrared Thermography, 2004.
B. Jähne, Schimpf, U., Popp, C., and Garbe, C. S., Exchange processes at the ocean surface: their role in coupling atmosphere and ocean, a contribution to the SOLAS project, in Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, Spring Conference, Munich, 22.-26.03.2004, 2004.
K. Degreif and Jähne, B., Gas exchange experiments using time resolved UV-spectroscopy, in Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, Spring Conference, Munich, 22.-26.03.2004, 2004.
U. Schimpf, Garbe, C. S., and Jähne, B., Investigation of transport processes across the sea surface microlayer by infrared imagery, J. Geophys. Res., vol. 109, p. C08S13, 2004.
B. Jähne, Practical Handbook on Image Processing for Scientific and Technical Applications, 2nd ed. CRC Press, 2004.
M. Detert, Jirka, G. H., Jehle, M., Klar, M., Jähne, B., Köhler, H. - J., and Wenka, T., Pressure fluctuations within subsurface gravel bed caused by turbulent open-channel flow, in Proc. of River Flow 2004, 2004, pp. 695-701.
M. Wenig, Kuhl, S., Beirle, S., Bucsela, E., Jähne, B., Platt, U., Gleason, J., and Wagner, T., Retrieval and analysis of stratospheric NO$_2$ from the Global Ozone Monitoring Experiment, J. Geophys. Res., vol. 109, p. D04315, 1--11, 2004.
M. Klar, Jehle, M., Detert, M., Jirka, G. H., Jähne, B., Köhler, H. - J., and Wenka, T., Simultaneous 3D PTV and micro-pressure sensor equipment for flow analysis in subsurface gravel layer, in Proc. of River Flow 2004, 2004, p. 703--712.
