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J. Klinke, Jähne, B., and Jähne, B., Measurements of short ocean waves during the MBL ARI West Coast Experiment, in Air-Water Gas Transfer, Selected Papers, 3rd Intern. Symp. on Air-Water Gas Transfer, 1995, p. 165--173.
J. Dieter, Hering, F., Bremeyer, R., Jähne, B., and Jähne, B., Measurements of velocity profiles in the aqueous boundary layer at a wind-driven water surface, in Air-Water Gas Transfer, Selected Papers, 3rd Intern. Symp. on Air-Water Gas Transfer, 1995, p. 145--152.
J. Dieter, Hering, F., Bremeyer, R., Jähne, B., and Jähne, B., Measurements of velocity profiles in the aqueous boundary layer at a wind-driven water surface, in Air-Water Gas Transfer, Selected Papers, 3rd Intern. Symp. on Air-Water Gas Transfer, 1995, p. 145--152.
J. Klinke and Jähne, B., A new instrument for the optical measurement of the fine structure of the water surface in the field, in IAPSO Proceedings, XXI General Assembly, Honolulu, Hawai, August 1995, PS-10 Spatial Structure of Short Ocean Waves, 1995, p. 388.
G. Balschbach, Menzel, M., and Jähne, B., A new instrument to measure steep wind-waves, in IAPSO Proceedings, XXI General Assembly, Honolulu, Hawai, August 1995, PS-10 Spatial Structure of Short Ocean Waves, 1995, p. 387.
T. Scheuermann, Pfundt, G., Eyerer, P., and Jähne, B., Oberflächenkonturvermessung mikroskopischer Objekte durch Projektion statistischer Rauschmuster, in Proc. 17. DAGM-Symposium Mustererkennung, Bielefeld, 13.-15. September 1995, 1995, p. 319--326.
P. Geißler and Jähne, B., One-image depth-from-focus for concentration measurements, in Proc. ISPRS Intercommission Workshop `From Pixels to Sequences', Zurich, March 22 - 24, 1995, In Int'l Arch. of Photog. and Rem. Sens., 1995, vol. XXX-5W1, p. 122--127.
F. Hering, Merle, M., Wierzimok, D., and Jähne, B., Particle tracking in space time sequences, in Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns, 1995, vol. 970, p. 294--301.
F. Hering, Merle, M., Wierzimok, D., and Jähne, B., A robust technique for tracking particles over long image sequences, in Proc. ISPRS Intercommission Workshop `From Pixels to Sequences', Zurich, March 22 - 24, 1995, In Int'l Arch. of Photog. and Rem. Sens., 1995, vol. XXX-5W1, p. 74--79.
J. Klinke and Jähne, B., Spatial measurement of short ocean waves during the MBL-ARI West Coast Experiment, in IAPSO Proceedings, XXI General Assembly, Honolulu, Hawai, August 1995, PS-10 Spatial Structure of Short Ocean Waves, 1995, p. 390.
B. Jähne, Massen, R., Nickolay, B., and Scharfenberg, H., Technische Bildverarbeitung - Maschinelles Sehen. Springer, 1995.
N. M. Frew, Bock, E. J., McGilles, W. R., Karachintsev, A., Hara, T., Münsterer, T., Jähne, B., and Jähne, B., Variation of air--water gas transfer with wind stress and surface viscoelasticity, in Air-water Gas Transfer, Selected Papers from the Third International Symposium on Air-Water Gas Transfer, 1995, p. 529--541.
N. M. Frew, Bock, E. J., McGilles, W. R., Karachintsev, A., Hara, T., Münsterer, T., Jähne, B., and Jähne, B., Variation of air--water gas transfer with wind stress and surface viscoelasticity, in Air-water Gas Transfer, Selected Papers from the Third International Symposium on Air-Water Gas Transfer, 1995, p. 529--541.
B. Jähne, Vision for waves, in IAPSO Proceedings, XXI General Assembly, Honolulu, Hawai, August 1995, PS-10 Spatial Structure of Short Ocean Waves, 1995, p. 391.
B. Jähne, Zuverlässig, Schnell und Genau? - Bedeutung von Algorithmen in der Bildverarbeitung für die Praxis, in Bildverarbeitung'95 - Forschen, Entwickeln, Anwenden, 1995, p. 3--14.
B. Jähne, Analytical studies of low-level motion estimators in space-time images using a unified filter concept, in Proc. Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR '94), Seattle, 20.-23. June 1994, 1994, p. 229--236.
B. Jähne, Bildverarbeitung für die Meeresforschung, Ruperto Carola, p. 10--15, 1994.
S. Waas and Jähne, B., Combined height/slope/curvature measurements of short ocean wind waves. 1994.
B. Jähne, A comparative analytical study of low-level motion estimators in space-time images, in Proc. 16. DAGM-Symposium Mustererkennung, 1994.
B. Jähne and Geißler, P., Depth from focus with one image, in Proc. Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR '94), Seattle, 20.-23. June 1994, 1994, p. 713--717.
B. Jähne, Klinke, J., and Waas, S., Imaging of short ocean wind waves: a critical theoretical review, J. Opt. Soc. Am. A, vol. 11, p. 2197--2209, 1994.
H. Haußecker and Jähne, B., In-situ measurements of the air-sea gas transfer using heat as a proxy tracer, in Proc. 2nd Inter. Conf. on Air-Sea Interaction and on Meteorology and Oceanography of the Coastal Zone, Lisbon, 22.--27. September 1994, 1994.
M. Beyer, Jähne, B., and Melville, W. K., Laboratory studies of long-wave/short-wave interaction using wavelet analysis of space-time images, in Proc. 2nd Inter. Conf. on Air-Sea Interaction and on Meteorology and Oceanography of the Coastal Zone, Lisbon, 22.--27. September 1994, 1994.
T. Münsterer and Jähne, B., A LIF technique for the measurement of concentration profiles in the aqueous mass boundary layer, in Proc.\ 7th Intern.\ Symp.\ on Appl.\ of Laser Techn.\ to Fluid Mechanics, Lisbon, Portugal, July 11.--14. 1994, 1994, vol. II, p. 29.4.1--5.
J. Klinke and Jähne, B., Measurements of the small-scale structure of the water surface with a new optical instrument, in Proc. 2nd Inter. Conf. on Air-Sea Interaction and on Meteorology and Oceanography of the Coastal Zone, Lisbon, 22.--27. September 1994, 1994.
T. Scholz, Jähne, B., Suhr, H., Wehnert, G., Geißler, P., and Schneider, K., A new depth from focus technique for in situ determination of cell concentration in bioreactors, in Proc. 16. DAGM-Symposium Mustererkennung, 1994, p. 145--150.
B. Jähne, Air-sea gas exchange. 1993.
P. Geißler, Jähne, B., and Pöppl, S. J., Depth-from-focus zur Bestimmung der Konzentration und Größe von Gasblasen, in Proc. 15. DAGM-Symposium Mustererkennung, 1993, p. 560--567.
B. Jähne, Digital Image Processing --- Concepts, Algorithms, and Scientific Applications, 2nd ed. Springer, 1993.
B. Jähne, Digitale Bildverarbeitung, 3rd ed. Springer, 1993.
H. Haußecker and Jähne, B., Ein Mehrgitterverfahren zur Bewegungssegmentierung in Bildfolgen, in Proc. 15. DAGM-Symposium Mustererkennung, 1993, p. 27--31.
T. Netzsch and Jähne, B., Ein schnelles Verfahren zur Lösung des Stereokorrepondenzproblems bei der 3D-Particle Tracking Velocimetry, in Proc. 15. DAGM-Symposium Mustererkennung, 1993.
B. Jähne, Klinke, J., Geißler, P., and Hering, F., Image sequence analysis of ocean wind waves, in Imaging in Transport Processes, 1993, p. 257--268.
B. Jähne, Imaging of gas transfer across gas/liquid interfaces, in Imaging in Transport Processes, 1993, p. 247--256.
B. Jähne, New trends in image processing hard- and software, in Proceedings Image Analysis for Pulp and Paper Research and Production, 1993, p. 1--12.
