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M. Hayn, Beirle, S., Hamprecht, F. A., Platt, U., Menze, B. H., and Wagner, T., Analysing spatio-temporal patterns of the global NO2-distribution retrieved frome GOME satellite observations using a generalized additive model, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, vol. 9, pp. 9367-9398, 2009.PDF icon Technical Report (2.52 MB)
M. Jäger, Kiel, A., Herten, D. - P., and Hamprecht, F. A., Analysis of Single-Molecule Fluorescence Spectroscopic Data with a Markov Modulated Poisson Process, ChemPhysChem, vol. 10:14, pp. 2486-2495, 2009.
F. O. Kaster, Kelm, B. Michael, Zechmann, C. M., Weber, M. - A., Hamprecht, F. A., and Nix, O., Classification of Spectroscopic Images in the DIROlab Environment, in World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, September 7 - 12, 2009, Munich, Germany, 2009, vol. 25/V, p. 252--255.PDF icon Technical Report (145.73 KB)
B. H. Menze, Kelm, B. Michael, Masuch, R., Himmelreich, U., Bachert, P., Petrich, W., and Hamprecht, F. A., A Comparison of Random Forest and its Gini Importance with Standard Chemometric Methods for the Feature Selection and Classification of Spectral Data, BMC Bioinformatics, vol. 10:213, 2009.PDF icon Technical Report (675 KB)
M. Frank, Plaue, M., and Hamprecht, F. A., Denoising of Continuous-Wave Time-Of-Flight Depth Images Using Confidence Measures, Optical Engineering, vol. 48, 077003, 2009.PDF icon Technical Report (2.5 MB)
B. Michael Kelm, Menze, B. H., Nix, O., Zechmann, C. M., and Hamprecht, F. A., Estimating Kinetic Parameter Maps from Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MRI using Spatial Prior Knowledge, IEEE Transaction on Medical Imaging, vol. 28:10, pp. 1534-1547, 2009.PDF icon Technical Report (419.8 KB)
M. Hanselmann, Köthe, U., Renard, B. Y., Kirchner, M., Heeren, R. M. A., and Hamprecht, F. A., Multivariate Watershed Segmentation of Compositional Data, in Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Discrete Geometry for Computer Imagery (DGCI), in press, 2009, vol. 5810, pp. 180-192.PDF icon Technical Report (1.25 MB)
S. Trittler and Hamprecht, F. A., Near-Optimum Sampling Design and an Efficient Algorithm for Single Tone Frequency Estimation, Digital Signal Processing, vol. 19, pp. 628-639, 2009.PDF icon Technical Report (511.23 KB)
L. Görlitz, Menze, B. H., Kelm, B. Michael, and Hamprecht, F. A., Processing Spectral Data, Surface and Interface Analysis, vol. 41, pp. 636-644, 2009.PDF icon Technical Report (4.17 MB)
B. Andres, Köthe, U., Bonea, A., Nadler, B., and Hamprecht, F. A., Quantitative Assessment of Image Segmentation Quality by Random Walk Relaxation Times, in Pattern Recognition. 31st DAGM Symposium, Jena, Germany, September 9-11, 2009. Proceedings, 2009, vol. 5748, pp. 502-511.PDF icon Technical Report (3.08 MB)
M. Staudacher, Hamprecht, F. A., and Görlitz, L., Self Adjustment of Scanning Electron Microscopes / Selbstadaptivität von Rasterelektronenmikroskopen, Patent, Patent Number WO2009062781A1, 2009.PDF icon Technical Report (46.64 KB)
M. Frank, Plaue, M., Rapp, H., Köthe, U., Jähne, B., and Hamprecht, F. A., Theoretical and Experimental Error Analysis of Continuous-Wave Time-Of-Flight Range Cameras, Optical Engineering, vol. 48, 013602, 2009.PDF icon Technical Report (2.03 MB)
M. Frank, Plaue, M., Rapp, H., Köthe, U., Jähne, B., and Hamprecht, F. A., Theoretical and experimental error analysis of continuous-wave time-of-flight range cameras, Opt. Eng., vol. 48, p. 013602, 2009.
M. Hanselmann, Köthe, U., Kirchner, M., Renard, B. Y., Amstalden, E. R., Glunde, K., Heeren, R. M. A., and Hamprecht, F. A., Towards Digital Staining using Imaging Mass Spectrometry and Random Forests, Journal of Proteome Research, vol. 8, pp. 3558-3567, 2009.PDF icon Technical Report (1.47 MB)
B. Y. Renard, Kirchner, M., Monigatti, F., Ivanov, A. R., Rappsilber, J., Winter, D., Steen, J. A. J., Hamprecht, F. A., and Steen, H., When Less Can Yield More - Computational Preprocessing of MS/MS Spectra for Peptide Identification Preprocessing, Proteomics, vol. 9, pp. 4978-4984, 2009.PDF icon Technical Report (901.78 KB)
A. Kreshuk, Stankiewicz, M., Lou, X., Kirchner, M., Hamprecht, F. A., and Mayer, M. P., Automated detection and analysis of bimodal isotope peak distribution in H/D exchange mass spectrometry using HeXicon, International Journal of Mass Spectrometry, vol. 302, pp. 125-131, 2010.PDF icon Technical Report (3.22 MB)
M. Kirchner, Renard, B. Y., Köthe, U., Pappin, D. J., Hamprecht, F. A., Steen, J. A. J., and Steen, H., Computational Protein Profile Similarity Screening for Quantitative Mass Spectrometry Experiments, Bioinformatics, vol. 26 (1), pp. 77-83, 2010.PDF icon Technical Report (380.19 KB)
X. Lou, Kirchner, M., Renard, B. Y., Köthe, U., Graf, C., Lee, C., Steen, J. A. J., Steen, H., Mayer, M. P., and Hamprecht, F. A., Deuteration Distribution Estimation with Improved Sequence Coverage for HX/MS Experiments, Bioinformatics, vol. 26(12), pp. 1535-1541, 2010.PDF icon Technical Report (518.01 KB)
B. Andres, Kappes, J. H., Köthe, U., Schnörr, C., and Hamprecht, F. A., An Empirical Comparison of Inference Algorithms for Graphical Models with Higher Order Factors Using OpenGM, in Pattern Recognition, Proc.~32th DAGM Symposium, 2010.PDF icon Technical Report (218.43 KB)
B. Andres, Kappes, J. H., Köthe, U., Schnörr, C., and Hamprecht, F. A., An Empirical Comparison of Inference Algorithms for Graphical Models with Higher Order Factors Using OpenGM, in Pattern Recognition, Proc.~32th DAGM Symposium, 2010, pp. 353-362.
B. Y. Renard, Timm, W., Kirchner, M., Steen, J. A. J., Hamprecht, F. A., and Steen, H., Estimating the Confidence of Peptide Identifications without Decoy Databases, Analytical Chemistry, pp. 4314-4318, 2010.PDF icon Technical Report (619.11 KB)
U. Köthe, Andres, B., Kröger, T., and Hamprecht, F. A., Geometric Analysis of 3D Electron Microscopy Data, in Proceedings of Workshop on Discrete Geometry and Mathematical Morphology (WADGMM), 2010, pp. 22-26.PDF icon Technical Report (1.43 MB)
B. Andres, Köthe, U., Kröger, T., and Hamprecht, F. A., How to Extract the Geometry and Topology from Very Large 3D Segmentations, ArXiv e-prints, 2010.PDF icon Technical Report (1.44 MB)
B. Andres, Kappes, J. H., Köthe, U., and Hamprecht, F. A., The Lazy Flipper: MAP Inference in Higher-Order Graphical Models by Depth-limited Exhaustive Search, ArXiv e-prints, 2010.PDF icon Technical Report (625.06 KB)
M. Kirchner, Steen, J. A. J., Hamprecht, F. A., and Steen, H., MGFp: An Open Mascot Generic Format Parser Library Implementation, Journal of Proteome Research, vol. 9 (5), p. 27622763, 2010.PDF icon Technical Report (125.18 KB)
B. H. Menze and Hamprecht, F. A., Multimodal Medical Image Analysis: from Visualization to Disease Modeling, Zeitschrift für Med. Physik, vol. 1, pp. 1-2, 2010.PDF icon Technical Report (481.58 KB)
F. O. Kaster, Kassemeyer, S., Merkel, B., Nix, O., and Hamprecht, F. A., An object-oriented library for systematic training and comparison of classifiers for computer-assisted tumor diagnosis from MRSI measurements, in Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2010 -- Algorithmen, Systeme, Anwendungen, 2010, pp. 97-101.PDF icon Technical Report (1.12 MB)
B. Andres, Köthe, U., Kröger, T., and Hamprecht, F. A., Runtime-Flexible Multi-dimensional Views and Arrays for C++98 and C++0x, ArXiv e-prints, 2010.PDF icon Technical Report (415.54 KB)
A. Kreshuk, Straehle, C. N., Sommer, C., Köthe, U., Cantoni, M., Knott, G. W., and Hamprecht, F. A., Automated Detection and Segmentation of Synaptic Contacts in Nearly Isotropic Serial Electron Microscopy Images, PLoS ONE, vol. 6 (10), 2011.PDF icon Technical Report (290.48 KB)
A. Kreshuk, Straehle, C. N., Sommer, C., Köthe, U., Knott, G. W., and Hamprecht, F. A., Automated Segmentation of Synapses in 3D EM Data, in Eighth IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI 2011). Proceedings, 2011, pp. 220-223.
C. N. Straehle, Köthe, U., Knott, G. W., and Hamprecht, F. A., Carving: Scalable Interactive Segmentation of Neural Volume Electron Microscopy Images, in MICCAI 2011, Proceedings., 2011, vol. 6891, pp. 653-660.PDF icon Technical Report (1.69 MB)
F. O. Kaster, Weber, M. - A., and Hamprecht, F. A., Comparative Validation of Graphical Models for Learning Tumor Segmentations from Noisy Manual Annotations, in LNCS, 2011, vol. LNCS 6533, pp. 74-85.PDF icon Technical Report (544.56 KB)
X. Lou, Kaster, F. O., Lindner, M., Kausler, B. X., Köthe, U., Höckendorf, B., Wittbrodt, J., Jänicke, H., and Hamprecht, F. A., DELTR: Digital Embryo Lineage Tree Reconstructor, in Eighth IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI). Proceedings, 2011, pp. 1557-1560.PDF icon Technical Report (1.44 MB)
S. Wanner, Sommer, C., Rocholz, R., Jung, M., Hamprecht, F. A., and Jähne, B., A framework for interactive visualization and classification of dynamical processes at the water surface, in 16th International Workshop on Vision, Modelling and Visualization, 2011, p. 199--206.
S. Wanner, Sommer, C., Rocholz, R., Hamprecht, F. A., and Jähne, B., A Framework for Interactive Visualization and Classification of Dynamical Processes at the Water Surface, in 16th International Workshop on Vision, Modelling and Visualization, 2011, pp. 199-206.PDF icon Technical Report (4.67 MB)
