

Carlsohn, M F, Menze, B H, Kelm, B Michael, Hamprecht, F A, Kercek, A, Leitner, R and Polder, G (2006). Color image processing. CRC Press. 7(17) 393-419
Kelm, B Michael, Pal, C and McCallum, A (2006). Combining Generative and Discriminative Methods for Pixel Classification with Multi-Conditional Learning.. ICPR 2006. 2 828-832PDF icon Technical Report (114.99 KB)
Hader, S (2006). Data Mining auf multidimensionalen und komplexen Daten in der industriellen Bildverarbeitung. University of Heidelberg
Menze, B H, Ur, J A and Sherratt, A G (2006). Detection of ancient settlement mounds - Archaeological survey based on the SRTM terrain model. Photgrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing. 3 321-327PDF icon Technical Report (643.89 KB)
Lerch, K (2006). Discontinuity Preserving Filtering Of Spectral Images. University of Heidelberg
Lichy, M P, Bachert, P, Hamprecht, F A, Weber, M - A, Debus, J, Schulz-Ertner, D, Kauczor, H - U and Schlemmer, H - P (2006). Einsatz der 1H-MR-spektroskopischen Bildgebung in der Strahlentherapie: Cholin als Marker für die Bestimmung der relativen Wahrscheinlichkeit eines Tumorprogresses nach Bestrahlung glialer Hirntumoren. Zeitung für Röntgenforschung. 178 627-633
Menze, B H, Kelm, B Michael, Heck, D, Lichy, M P and Hamprecht, F A (2006). Machine-based rejection of low quality spectra and estimation of brain tumor probabilities from magnetic resonance spectroscopic images. Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin. 31-36PDF icon Technical Report (672.84 KB)
Menze, B H, Lichy, M P, Bachert, P, Kelm, B Michael, Schlemmer, H P and Hamprecht, F A (2006). Optimal Classification of Long Echo Time in vivo Magnetic Resonance Spectra in the Detection of Recurrent Brain Tumor. NMR in Biomedicine. 19 599-609PDF icon Technical Report (289.77 KB)
Wieler, M (2006). Single Tone Frequency Estimation From Very Few Sampling Points. University of Heidelberg
Schmähling, (2006). Statistical characterization of technical surface microstructure. University of Heidelberg


Kelm, B Michael, Menze, B H and Hamprecht, F A (2005). Automatische Lokalisation von Tumoren in 1H-NMR-spektroskopischen in vivo Aufnahmen. VDI-Berichte. 1883 457-466PDF icon Technical Report (221.54 KB)
Jäger, M, Knoll, C and Hamprecht, F A (2005). Automatisierte Klassifikation von Laserschwei\DFprozessen durch Nutzung von 3D Signalverarbeitungs-Algorithmen. Robert Bosch GmbH, Schwieberdingen and IWR, Uni Heidelberg
Hissmann, M (2005). Bayesian Estimation for White Light Interferometry. University of Heidelberg.
Hissmann, M and Hamprecht, F A (2005). Bayesian surface estimation for white light interferometry. Optical Engineering. 44 1-9PDF icon Technical Report (549.46 KB)
Görlitz, L, Hamprecht, F A and Staudacher, M (2005). Detektion von Partikeln in Intensitätsbildern mit Hilfe eines morphologischen Skalenraumes. Robert-Bosch GmbH, University of Heidelberg
König, T, Hamprecht, F A and Kücherer, H (2005). On The Application Of Multiscale Motion Estimation In Intravascular Elastography. University of Heidelberg
Künsch, H R, Agrell, E and Hamprecht, F A (2005). Optimal lattices for sampling. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory. 51 634-647
Humbert, S (2005). Partikel-Verfolgung Beim Laserschwei\Dfen Mit Dem Kalman-Filter. University of Heidelberg
Zhang, H, Hamprecht, F A and Amann, A (2005). Report about VOCs Dataset's Analysis based on Random Forests. Proceedings of the HPC-Asia05. IEEE Computer Society Press. 603-607PDF icon Technical Report (232.13 KB)
Menze, B H, Ur, J A and Sherratt, A G (2005). Tell Spotting - Surveying Near Eastern Settlement Mounds from Space. Proceedings of the XXth CIPA International Symposium 2005, Torino, Italy. 217-223PDF icon Technical Report (2.53 MB)
Strobel, J, Görlitz, L and Staudacher, M (2005). Verfahren und Prüfkörper zur Bestimmung der Reinigungswirkung in einem Ultraschallbild


Hamprecht, F A (2004). Classification. Practical Handbook on Image Processing for Scientific and Technical Applications. CRC Press. 509-519PDF icon Technical Report (320.84 KB)
Menze, B H, Wormit, M, Bachert, P, Lichy, M P, Schlemmer, H - P and Hamprecht, F A (2004). Classification of in vivo magnetic resonance spectra. Classification in ubiquitous challenge: Proceedings of the GfKl 2004. Springer. 362-369PDF icon Technical Report (240.1 KB)
Menze, B H (2004). Klassifikation Von Magnetresonanzspektren. University of Heidelberg
Restle, J, Hissmann, M and Hamprecht, F A (2004). Nonparametric Smoothing of Height maps using ``Confidence'' values. Optical Engineering. 43 866-871PDF icon Technical Report (1.07 MB)
Heck, D (2004). Proximity Graphs For Nonlinear Dimension Reduction. University of Heidelberg
Kirchner, M (2004). Spatial Extensions To Self-Modeling Curve Resolution. University of Heidelberg
Feistner, L (2004). Statistische Karten In Der Magnetresonanzspektroskopie. University of Heidelberg
Hader, S and Hamprecht, F A (2004). Two-Stage Classification with Automatic Feature Selection for an Industrial Application. Classification, the ubiquitous challenge: Proceedings of GfKl 2004. Springer. 137-144PDF icon Technical Report (518.16 KB)
Hamprecht, F A and Jähne, B (2004). Vom Bild zur Information. Ruperto Carola -- Forschungsmagazin der Universität Heidelberg. 03.2004 9-12


Eisele, H and Hamprecht, F A (2003). A new approach for defect detection in X-ray CT images. Pattern Recognition. Springer. 2449 345-352PDF icon Technical Report (398.88 KB)
Hissmann, M and Hamprecht, F A (2003). Bayessche Schätzung von Höhenkarten aus der Wei\DF licht-Interferometrie. Oberflächenmesstechnik 2003. 187--196
Hader, S and Hamprecht, F A (2003). Efficient Density Clustering. Between Data Science and Applied Data Analysis. Springer. 39-48
Hamprecht, F A and Agrell, E (2003). Exploring a space of materials: spatial sampling design and subset selection. Experimental Design for Combinatorial and High Throughput Materials Development. WileyPDF icon Technical Report (2.28 MB)
Restle, J (2003). Optimierung der Wei\DFlichtinterferometrie für Applikationen der industriellen Qualitätskontrolle. University of Heidelberg
Hader, S (2003). System Concept for Image Sequence Classification in Laser Welding. Pattern Recognition. Springer. 2781 212-219


Gee, P J, Hamprecht, F A, Schuler, L D, van Gunsteren, W F, Duchardt, E, Schwalbe, H, Albert, M and Seebach, D (2002). A molecular dynamics simulation study of the conformational preferences of oligo-(3- hydroxyalcanoic acids) in chloroform solution. Helv. Chim. Acta. 85 618-632
Eisele, H (2002). Automated defect detection and evaluation in X-ray CT images. University of Heidelberg.
Hamprecht, F A, Thiel, W and van Gunsteren, W F (2002). Chemical library subset selection algorithms: a unified derivation using spatial statistics. Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences. 42 414-428
Jähne, B, Brocke, M, Eisele, H, Hader, S, Hamprecht, F A, Happold, W, Raisch, F and Restle, J (2002). Für Anspruchsvolle - Multidimensionale Bildverarbeitung in der Produktion. Qualität und Zuverlässigkeit. 47 1154-1159
