All Publications


Becker, F, Wieneke, B, Yuan, J and Schnörr, C (2008). Variational Correlation Approach to Flow Measurement with Window Adaption. 14th International Symposium on Applications of Laser Techniques to Fluid Mechanics. 1.1.3
Enzweiler, M and Gavrila, D M (2008). Monocular Pedestrian Detection: Survey and Experiments. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, available online: IEEE Computer Society Digital Library,
Enzweiler, M and Gavrila, D M (2008). A Mixed Generative-Discriminative Framework for Pedestrian Classification. Proc. Int. Conf. Comp. Vision and Patt. Recog. (CVPR)
Enzweiler, M, Kanter, P and Gavrila, D M (2008). Monocular Pedestrian Recognition Using Motion Parallax. Proc. IEEE Symposium on Intelligent Vehicles. 792-797
Gosch, C, Fundana, K, Heyden, A and Schnörr, C (2008). View Point Tracking of Rigid Object Based on Shape Sub-Manifolds. Computer Vision – ECCV 2008. Springer. 5302 251–263
Kappes, J H and Schnörr, C (2008). MAP-Inference for Highly-Connected Graphs with DC-Programming. Pattern Recognition – 30th DAGM Symposium. Springer Verlag. 5096 1–10
Munder, S, Schnörr, C and Gavrila, D M (2008). Pedestrian Detection and Tracking Using a Mixture of View-Based Shape-Texture Models. IEEE Trans. Intell. Transp. Systems. 9 333-343
Petra, S, Popa, C and Schnörr, C (2008). Extended And Constrained Cimmino-Type Algorithms With Applications In Tomographic Image Reconstruction. IWR, University of Heidelberg.
Petra, S, Popa, C and Schnörr, C (2008). Enhancing Sparsity by Constraining Strategies: Constrained SIRT versus Spectral Projected Gradient Methods. Proc. 7th Workshop on Modelling of Environmental and Life Sciences Problems (WMM 08). Ed Acad Romane, Bucuresti, Constanta, Romania
Petra, S, Popa, C and Schnörr, C (2008). Enhancing Sparsity by Constraining Strategies: Constrained SIRT versus Spectral Projected Gradient Methods. Proc. 7th Workshop on Modelling of Environmental and Life Sciences Problems (WMM 08). Bucharest, Romania
Petra, S, Schröder, A, Wieneke, B and Schnörr, C (2008). On Sparsity Maximization in Tomographic Particle Image Reconstruction. Pattern Recognition – 30th DAGM Symposium. Springer Verlag. 5096 294–303
Vlasenko, A and Schnörr, C (2008). Physically Consistent Variational Denoising of Image Fluid Flow Estimates. Pattern Recognition – 30th DAGM Symposium. Springer Verlag. 5096 406–415


Ommer, B and Buhmann, J M (2007). Compositional Object Recognition, Segmentation, and Tracking in Video. Proceedings of the International Workshop on Energy Minimization Methods in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. Springer. 4679 318--333PDF icon Technical Report (2.78 MB)
Sigg, C, Fischer, B, Ommer, B, Roth, V and Buhmann, J M (2007). Nonnegative CCA for Audiovisual Source Separation. International Workshop on Machine Learning for Signal Processing. IEEE. 253--258PDF icon Technical Report (1.27 MB)
Ommer, B and Buhmann, J M (2007). Learning the Compositional Nature of Visual Objects. Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. IEEE. 1--8PDF icon Technical Report (2.78 MB)
Andres, B (2007). Model Selection In Optical Flow-Based Motion Estimation By Means Of Residual Analysis. University of Heidelberg
Andres, B, Hamprecht, F A and Garbe, C S (2007). Selection of Local Optical Flow Models by Means of Residual Analysis. Pattern Recognition. Springer. 4713 72-81PDF icon Technical Report (229.64 KB)
Frank, M (2007). Investigation Of A 3D Camera. University of Heidelberg
Görlitz, (2007). Modern Concepts for Semi-Supervised Learning and Multidimensional Image Processing. University of Heidelberg
Görlitz, L, Menze, B H, Weber, M - A and Kelm, B Michael (2007). Semi-Supervised Tumor Detection in MRSI With Discriminative Random Fields. Pattern Recognition. Springer. 4713 224-233PDF icon Technical Report (872.46 KB)
Görlitz, L, Singh, M and Schützbach, P (2007). Schnelle 3D-Vermessung von Partikeln in Rasterelektronenmiskroskopen mit Hilfe eines Rücksteuerdetektors
Hayn, M (2007). Statistical Analysis Of Spatio-Temporal Patterns In Global Nox Satellite Data. University of Heidelberg
Jäger, (2007). Time Series Analysis and Classification with State-Space Models for Industrial Processes and the Life Sciences. University of Heidelberg
König, (2007). Quality Control In Mass Spectrometry. University of Heidelberg
Kelm, B Michael (2007). Evaluation of Vector-Valued Clinical Image Data Using Probabilistic Graphical Models: Quantification and Pattern Recognition. University of HeidelbergPDF icon Technical Report (4.89 MB)
Kelm, B Michael, Menze, B H, Zechmann, C M, Baudendistel, K T and Hamprecht, F A (2007). Automated Estimation of Tumor Probability in Prostate MRSI: Pattern Recognition vs. Quantification. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 57 150-159PDF icon Technical Report (348.05 KB)
Kirchner, M, Saussen, B, Steen, H, Steen, J A J and Hamprecht, F A (2007). amsrpm: Robust Point Matching in Retention Time Alignment of LC/MS Data with R. Journal of Statistical Software. 18 1-12.
Menze, B H (2007). Pattern Recognition in the Quantitative Analysis of Vector-Valued Image Data: Diagnostic Systems and Applications. University of Heidelberg
Menze, B H, Kelm, B Michael and Hamprecht, F A (2007). From eigenspots to fisherspots -- latent spaces in the nonlinear detection of spot patterns in a highly variable background. Advances in data analysis. Springer. 33 255-262PDF icon Technical Report (248.87 KB)
Menze, B H, Muehl, S and Sherratt, A G (2007). Virtual Survey on North Mesopotamian Tell Sites by Means of Satellite Remote Sensing. Broadening Horizons: Multidisciplinary Approaches to Landscape Study. Cambridge Scholars Publishing. 5-29PDF icon Technical Report (1.2 MB)
Menze, B H, Petrich, W and Hamprecht, F A (2007). Multivariate feature selection and hierarchical classification for infrared spectroscopy: serum-based detection of bovine spongiform encephalopathy. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry. 387 1801-1807PDF icon Technical Report (283.47 KB)
Menze, B H and Ur, J A (2007). Classification of multispectral ASTER imagery in the archaeological survey for settlement sites of the Near East. Proc 10th International Symposium on Physical Measurements and Signature in Remote Sensing (ISPMRS 07), Davos, Switzerland. International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information SciencesPDF icon Technical Report (920.71 KB)
Renard, B Y (2007). An Improved Method For Peak Identification In Proteomic Mass Spectrometry Data. University of Heidelberg
Saussen, B (2007). Retention Time Domain Registration Of Liquid Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry Data. University of Heidelberg
Schmähling, J and Hamprecht, F A (2007). Generalizing the Abbott-Firestone curve by two new surface descriptors. Wear. 262 1360-1371PDF icon Technical Report (877.34 KB)
Trittler, S (2007). Processing of Interferometric Data. University of Heidelberg
Weber, C, Zechmann, C M, Kelm, B Michael, Zamecnik, R, Hendricks, D, Waldherr, R, Hamprecht, F A, Delorme, S, Bachert, P and Ikinger, U (2007). Comparison of correctness of manuel and automatic evaluation of MR-spectrum with prostrate cancer. Der Urologe. 46 1252
(2007). Pattern Recognition, 29Th Dagm Symposium, Heidelberg, Germany, September 12-14, 2007, Proceedings. Springer
Andres, B (2007). Model Selection In Optical Flow-Based Motion Estimation By Means Of Residual Analysis. University of Heidelberg
Andres, B, Garbe, C S, Schnörr, C and Jähne, B (2007). Selection of local optical flow models by means of residual analysis. Proceedings of the 29th DAGM Symposium on Pattern Recognition. Springer. 72--81
