All Publications


Kolmogorov, V and Rother, C (2007). Minimizing nonsubmodular functions with graph cuts - A review. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence. 29 1274–1279
Criminisi, A, Blake, A, Rother, C, Shotton, J and Torr, P H S (2007). Efficient dense stereo with occlusions for new view-synthesis by four-state dynamic programming. International Journal of Computer Vision. Kluwer Academic Publishers. 71 89–110
Lalonde, J François, Hoiem, D, Efros, A A, Rother, C, Winn, J and Criminisi, A (2007). Photo clip art. Proceedings of the ACM SIGGRAPH Conference on Computer Graphics.
Hoiem, D, Rother, C and Winn, J (2007). 3D LayoutCRF for multi-view object class recognition and segmentation. Proceedings of the IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
Rother, C, Kolmogorov, V, Lempitsky, V and Szummer, M (2007). Optimizing binary MRFs via extended roof duality. Proceedings of the IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
Kolmogorov, V, Boykov, Y and Rother, C (2007). Applications of parametric maxflow in computer vision. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision
Kolmogorov, V, Boykov, Y and Rother, C (2007). Applications of parametric maxflow in computer vision. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision
Lempitsky, V, Rother, C and Blake, A (2007). LogCut - Efficient graph cut optimization for markov random fields. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision
Blake, A, Criminisi, A, Cross, G, Kolmogorov, V and Rother, C (2007). Fusion of stereo, colour and contrast. Springer Tracts in Advanced Robotics. 28.
Gall, J, Potthoff, J, Schnörr, C, Rosenhahn, B and Seidel, H - P (2007). Interacting and Annealing Particle Filters: Mathematics and a Recipe for Applications. J. Math. Imag. Vision. 28 1–18
Karim, R, Bergtholdt, M, Kappes, J H and Schnörr, C (2007). Greedy-Based Design of Sparse Two-Stage SVMs for Fast Classification. Pattern Recognition – 29th DAGM Symposium. Springer. 4713 395-404
Petra, S, Schnörr, C, Schröder, A and Wieneke, B (2007). Tomographic Image Reconstruction in Experimental Fluid Dynamics: Synopsis and Problems. Proc. 6th Workshop on Modelling of Environmental and Life Sciences Problems (WMM 07). Ed Acad Romane, Bucuresti, Constanta, Romania
Ruhnau, P and Schnörr, C (2007). Optical Stokes Flow Estimation: An Imaging-Based Control Approach. Exp. in Fluids. 42 61–78
Ruhnau, P, Stahl, A and Schnörr, C (2007). Variational Estimation of Experimental Fluid Flows with Physics-Based Spatio-Temporal Regularization. Measurement Science and Technology. 18 755-763
Schellewald, C, Roth, S and Schnörr, C (2007). Evaluation of a convex relaxation to a quadratic assignment matching approach for relational object views. Image Vision Comp. 25 1301–1314
Schmidt, S, Kappes, J H, Bergtholdt, M, Pekar, V, Dries, S, Bystrov, D and Schnörr, C (2007). Spine Detection and Labeling Using a Parts-Based Graphical Model. Proc. 20th International Conference on Information Processing in Medical Imaging (IPMI 2007). Springer. 4584 122-133
Schnörr, (2007). Signal and Image Approximation with Level-Set Constraints. Computing. 81 137-160
Schnörr, C, Schüle, T and Weber, S (2007). Variational Reconstruction with DC-Programming. Advances in Discrete Tomography and Its Applications. Birkhäuser, Boston
Welk, M, Weickert, J, Becker, F, Schnörr, C, Feddern, C and Burgeth, B (2007). Median and related local filters for tensor-valued images. Signal Processing. 87 291-308
Yuan, J, Schnörr, C and Steidl, G (2007). Simultaneous Optical Flow Estimation and Decomposition. SIAM J. Scientific Computing. 29 2283-2304
(2007). Pattern Recognition – 29th DAGM Symposium. LCNS. Springer. 4713
Garbe, C S (2007). Measuring and Modeling Fluid Dynamic Processes using Digital Image Sequence Analysis. IWR, Fakultät für Physik und Astronomie, Univ. Heidelberg. Habilitation


Roth, V and Ommer, B (2006). Exploiting Low-level Image Segmentation for Object Recognition. Pattern Recognition, Symposium of the DAGM. Springer. 4174 11--20PDF icon Technical Report (473.84 KB)
Ommer, B, Sauter, M and M., B J (2006). Learning Top-Down Grouping of Compositional Hierarchies for Recognition. Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, Workshop on Perceptual Organization in Computer Vision. IEEE. 194--194PDF icon Technical Report (358.98 KB)
Ommer, B and Buhmann, J M (2006). Learning Compositional Categorization Models. Proceedings of the European Conference on Computer Vision. Springer. 3953 316--329PDF icon Technical Report (1.35 MB)
Carlsohn, M F, Menze, B H, Kelm, B Michael, Hamprecht, F A, Kercek, A, Leitner, R and Polder, G (2006). Color image processing. CRC Press. 7(17) 393-419
Hader, S (2006). Data Mining auf multidimensionalen und komplexen Daten in der industriellen Bildverarbeitung. University of Heidelberg
Kelm, B Michael, Müller, N, Menze, B H and Hamprecht, F A (2006). Bayesian Estimation of Smooth Parameter Maps for Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MR Images with Block-ICM. Proc Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshop (Mathematical Methods in Biomedical Image Analysis). IEEE Computer Society. 96-103PDF icon Technical Report (232.69 KB)
Kelm, B Michael, Menze, B H, Neff, T, Zechmann, C M and Hamprecht, F A (2006). CLARET: a tool for fully automated evaluation of MRSI with pattern recognition methods.. Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2006 - Algorithmen, Systeme, Anwendungen. Springer. 51-55. icon Technical Report (275.25 KB)
Kelm, B Michael, Pal, C and McCallum, A (2006). Combining Generative and Discriminative Methods for Pixel Classification with Multi-Conditional Learning.. ICPR 2006. 2 828-832PDF icon Technical Report (114.99 KB)
Lerch, K (2006). Discontinuity Preserving Filtering Of Spectral Images. University of Heidelberg
Lichy, M P, Bachert, P, Hamprecht, F A, Weber, M - A, Debus, J, Schulz-Ertner, D, Kauczor, H - U and Schlemmer, H - P (2006). Einsatz der 1H-MR-spektroskopischen Bildgebung in der Strahlentherapie: Cholin als Marker für die Bestimmung der relativen Wahrscheinlichkeit eines Tumorprogresses nach Bestrahlung glialer Hirntumoren. Zeitung für Röntgenforschung. 178 627-633
Menze, B H, Kelm, B Michael, Heck, D, Lichy, M P and Hamprecht, F A (2006). Machine-based rejection of low quality spectra and estimation of brain tumor probabilities from magnetic resonance spectroscopic images. Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin. 31-36PDF icon Technical Report (672.84 KB)
Menze, B H, Lichy, M P, Bachert, P, Kelm, B Michael, Schlemmer, H P and Hamprecht, F A (2006). Optimal Classification of Long Echo Time in vivo Magnetic Resonance Spectra in the Detection of Recurrent Brain Tumor. NMR in Biomedicine. 19 599-609PDF icon Technical Report (289.77 KB)
Menze, B H, Ur, J A and Sherratt, A G (2006). Detection of ancient settlement mounds - Archaeological survey based on the SRTM terrain model. Photgrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing. 3 321-327PDF icon Technical Report (643.89 KB)
Schmähling, (2006). Statistical characterization of technical surface microstructure. University of Heidelberg
Schmähling, J, Hamprecht, F A and Hoffmann, D M P (2006). A three-dimensional measure of surface roughness based on mathematical morphology. International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture. 46 (14) 1764-1769PDF icon Technical Report (524.97 KB)
Sieg, S, Stutz, B, Schmidt, T, Hamprecht, F A and Maier, W F (2006). A QCAR-approach to materials modelling. Journal of Molecular Modeling. 12 611-619PDF icon Technical Report (343.11 KB)
Wieler, M (2006). Single Tone Frequency Estimation From Very Few Sampling Points. University of Heidelberg
Zechmann, C M, Kelm, B Michael, Zamecnik, P, Ikinger, U, Waldherr, R, Röll, S, Delorme, S, Hamprecht, F A and Bachert, P (2006). Can man still beat the machine? Automated vs. manual pattern recognition of 3D MRSI data of prostate cancer patients. Proceedings of the 16th ISMRMPDF icon Technical Report (664.38 KB)
