All Publications


Neumann, J, Schnörr, C and Steidl, G (2005). Combined SVM-based Feature Selection and Classification. Machine Learning. 61 129-150
Neumann, J, Schnörr, C and Steidl, G (2005). Efficient Wavelet Adaption for Hybrid Wavelet-Large Margin Classifiers. Pattern Recognition. 38 1815-1830
Ruhnau, P, Gütter, C, Putze, T and Schnörr, C (2005). A variational approach for particle tracking velocimetry. Meas. Science and Techn. 16 1449-1458
Ruhnau, P, Kohlberger, T, Nobach, H and Schnörr, C (2005). Variational Optical Flow Estimation for Particle Image Velocimetry. Experiments in Fluids. 38 21–32
Schüle, T, Schnörr, C, Weber, S and Hornegger, J (2005). Discrete Tomography By Convex-Concave Regularization and D.C. Programming. Discr. Appl. Math. 151 229-243
Schüle, T, Weber, S and Schnörr, C (2005). Adaptive Reconstruction of Discrete-Valued Objects from few Projections. Electr. Notes in Discr. Math. 20 365-384
Schellewald, C and Schnörr, C (2005). Probabilistic Subgraph Matching Based on Convex Relaxation. Proc. Int. Workshop on Energy Minimization Methods in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (EMMCVPR'05). Springer. 3757 171-186
Weber, S, Schüle, T and Schnörr, C (2005). Prior Learning and Convex-Concave Regularization of Binary Tomography. Electr. Notes in Discr. Math. 20 313-327
Weber, S, Schnörr, C, Schüle, T and Hornegger, J (2005). Binary Tomography by Iterating Linear Programs. Geometric Properties from Incomplete Data. Springer
Welk, M, Becker, F, Schnörr, C and Weickert, J (2005). Matrix-Valued Filters as Convex Programs. Scale-Space 2005. Springer. 3459 204–216
Yuan, J, Ruhnau, P, Mémin, E and Schnörr, C (2005). Discrete Orthogonal Decomposition and Variational Fluid Flow Estimation. Scale-Space 2005. Springer. 3459 267–278
Yuan, J, Schnörr, C, Steidl, G and Becker, F (2005). A Study of Non-Smooth Convex Flow Decomposition. Proc. Variational, Geometric and Level Set Methods in Computer Vision. Springer. 3752 1–12
(2005). Variational, Geometric and Level Sets in Computer Vision (VLSM'05). lncs. Springer, Beijing, China. 3752


Feistner, L (2004). Statistische Karten In Der Magnetresonanzspektroskopie. University of Heidelberg
Hader, S and Hamprecht, F A (2004). Two-Stage Classification with Automatic Feature Selection for an Industrial Application. Classification, the ubiquitous challenge: Proceedings of GfKl 2004. Springer. 137-144PDF icon Technical Report (518.16 KB)
Hamprecht, F A (2004). Classification. Practical Handbook on Image Processing for Scientific and Technical Applications. CRC Press. 509-519PDF icon Technical Report (320.84 KB)
Hamprecht, F A and Jähne, B (2004). Vom Bild zur Information. Ruperto Carola -- Forschungsmagazin der Universität Heidelberg. 03.2004 9-12
Kirchner, M (2004). Spatial Extensions To Self-Modeling Curve Resolution. University of Heidelberg
Menze, B H, Wormit, M, Bachert, P, Lichy, M P, Schlemmer, H - P and Hamprecht, F A (2004). Classification of in vivo magnetic resonance spectra. Classification in ubiquitous challenge: Proceedings of the GfKl 2004. Springer. 362-369PDF icon Technical Report (240.1 KB)
Restle, J, Hissmann, M and Hamprecht, F A (2004). Nonparametric Smoothing of Height maps using ``Confidence'' values. Optical Engineering. 43 866-871PDF icon Technical Report (1.07 MB)
Heck, D (2004). Proximity Graphs For Nonlinear Dimension Reduction. University of Heidelberg
Menze, B H (2004). Klassifikation Von Magnetresonanzspektren. University of Heidelberg
Balschbach, G (2004). Hd-Whoi Measurements October 2004 Cisg. Institute for Environmental Physics, University of Heidelberg
Degreif, K and Jähne, B (2004). Gas exchange experiments using time resolved UV-spectroscopy. Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, Spring Conference, Munich, 22.-26.03.2004. Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft.
Detert, M, Jirka, G H, Jehle, M, Klar, M, Jähne, B, Köhler, H - J and Wenka, T (2004). Pressure fluctuations within subsurface gravel bed caused by turbulent open-channel flow. Proc. of River Flow 2004. A. A. Balkema Publishers. 695-701
Frew, N M, Bock, E J, Schimpf, U, Hara, T, Haußecker, H, Edson, J B, McGilles, W R, Nelson, R K, McKenna, S P, Uz, B M and Jähne, B (2004). Air-sea gas transfer: Its dependence on wind stress, small-scale roughness, and surface films. J. Geophys. Res. 109 C08S17
Fuß, (2004). Kombinierte Höhen- und Neigungsmessung von winderzeugten Wasserwellen am Heidelberger Aeolotron. Institut für Umweltphysik, Fakultät für Physik und Astronomie, Univ.\ Heidelberg.
Garbe, C S and Jähne, B (2004). Estimation of motion and parameters of heat transport from thermography. Quantitative Infrared Thermography
Garbe, C S, Schimpf, U and Jähne, B (2004). A surface renewal model to analyze infrared image sequences of the ocean surface for the study of air-sea heat and gas exchange. J. Geophys. Res. 109 1-18
Gebhard, M (2004). Multidimensionale Segmentierung in Bildfolgen und Quantifizierung dynamischer Prozesse. IWR, Fakultät für Physik und Astronomie, Univ.\ Heidelberg.
Hamprecht, F A and Jähne, B (2004). Vom Bild zur Information
Herrmann, H (2004). Ein System zur schnellen Entwicklung von Bildverarbeitungsalgorithmen. Univ.\ Mannheim
Hilsenstein, V (2004). Design and Implementation of a Passive Stereo-Infrared Imaging System for the Surface Reconstruction of Water Waves. Institut für Umweltphysik, Fakultät für Physik und Astronomie, Univ.\ Heidelberg.
Jähne, (2004). Practical Handbook On Image Processing For Scientific And Technical Applications, 2nd ed. CRC Press
Jähne, (2004). Vergeichende Analyse moderner Bildsensoren für die optische Messtechnik. Sensoren und Messsysteme 2004. 1829 317--324
Jähne, B, Schimpf, U, Popp, C and Garbe, C S (2004). Exchange processes at the ocean surface: their role in coupling atmosphere and ocean, a contribution to the SOLAS project. Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, Spring Conference, Munich, 22.-26.03.2004. Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft.
Jehle, M, Klar, M, Köhler, H - J and Heibaum, M (2004). Bewegungsdetektion und Geschwindigkeitsanalyse in Bildfolgen zur Untersuchung von Sedimentverlagerungen. Mitteilungen des Instituts für Grundbau und Bodenmechanik. 77 371-392
Klar, M, Jehle, M, Jähne, B, Detert, M and H., J G (2004). Analysis of subsurface gravel layer flow caused by turbulent open-channel flow using 3D PTV and pressure sensor techniques. BAW-Workshop Soil and Bed Stability - Interaction Effects between Geotechnics and Hydraulic Engineering
Klar, M, Jehle, M, Detert, M, Jirka, G H, Jähne, B, Köhler, H - J and Wenka, T (2004). Simultaneous 3D PTV and micro-pressure sensor equipment for flow analysis in subsurface gravel layer. Proc. of River Flow 2004. A. A. Balkema Publishers. 703--712
Küsters, (2004). Simultane Tiefen- und Flussbestimmung pflanzlicher Oberflächen. IWR, Fakultät für Physik und Astronomie, Univ.\ Heidelberg.
