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S. Lenor, Martini, J., Jähne, B., Stopper, U., Weber, S., and Ohr, F., Tracking-based visibility estimation, in Pattern Recognition, 36th German Conference, GCPR 2014, Münster, Germany, September 2-5, 2014, 2014, vol. 8753, p. 365--376.
J. Esparza, Helmle, M., and Jähne, B., Wide base stereo with fisheye optics: a robust approach for 3D reconstruction in driving assistance, in Pattern Recognition, 36th German Conference, GCPR 2014, Münster, Germany, September 2-5, 2014, 2014, vol. 8753, p. 342--353.
F. Lenzen, Kim, K. I., Schäfer, H., Nair, R., Meister, S., Becker, F., and Garbe, C. S., Denoising Strategies for Time-of-Flight Data, in Time-of-Flight Imaging: Algorithms, Sensors and Applications, 2013, vol. 8200, pp. 24-25.
F. Lenzen, Kim, K. In, Schäfer, H., Nair, R., Meister, S., Becker, F., and Garbe, C. S., Denoising Strategies for Time-of-Flight Data, Time-of-Flight and Depth Imaging: Sensors, Algorithms, and Applications, vol. 8200. Springer, pp. 25-45, 2013.PDF icon Technical Report (961.62 KB)
K. Berger, Meister, S., Nair, R., and Kondermann, D., A State of the Art Report on Kinect Sensor Setups in Computer Vision, in Time-of-Flight and Depth Imaging. Sensors, Algorithms, and Applications, 2013, vol. 8200, pp. 257-272.
R. Nair, Ruhl, K., Lenzen, F., Meister, S., Schäfer, H., Garbe, C. S., Eisemann, M., and Kondermann, D., A Survey on Time-of-Flight Stereo Fusion, in Time-of-Flight Imaging: Algorithms, Sensors and Applications, 2013, vol. 8022, pp. 105-127.
R. Nair, Ruhl, K., Lenzen, F., Meister, S., Schäfer, H., Garbe, C. S., Eisemann, M., Magnor, M., and Kondermann, D., A Survey on Time-of-Flight Stereo Fusion, Time-of-Flight and Depth Imaging: Sensors, Algorithms, and Applications, vol. 8200. Springer, pp. 105-127, 2013.PDF icon Technical Report (6.05 MB)
D. Lefloch, Nair, R., Lenzen, F., Schäfer, H., Streeter, L., and Cree, M. J., Technical Foundation and Calibration Methods for Time-of-Flight Cameras, in Time-of-Flight Imaging: Algorithms, Sensors and Applications, 2013, vol. 8200.
D. Lefloch, Nair, R., Lenzen, F., Schäfer, H., Streeter, L., and Cree, M. J., Technical Foundation and Calibration Methods for Time-of-Flight Cameras, in Time-of-Flight Imaging: Algorithms, Sensors and Applications, 2013, vol. 8200.
D. Lefloch, Nair, R., Lenzen, F., Schäfer, H., Streeter, L., Cree, M. J., Koch, R., and Kolb, A., Technical Foundation and Calibration Methods for Time-of-Flight Cameras, Time-of-Flight and Depth Imaging: Sensors, Algorithms, and Applications, vol. 8200. Springer, pp. 3-24, 2013.